
Hello Steemit! Very happy to be here with you! My name is munirahayati

I am a student who loves to write, and a beginner musician. I love to make good food, and I'm an artist.

I grew up around the sea and I enjoyed the beauty of my life.

My brother, @foways @taqin, @fremy, makes me eager to join Steemit to share my art and story.
I am very impressed with the concept of Steemit. What a great way to start building something that has the possibility of creating change and building connections at the same time. I am really on-board and join. Then I immediately got cold feet and did not post anything! Fear and second guess took over. But today, I'm finally brave enough to share!
So, here are some photos and a little information to give a little knowledge about who I am and who I am.
writer & art.


Welcome to steem

Thank you very much @aluma
I will follow you always !

Welcome to the community!

Welcome to great community, nice introduce, like it.
Wait your next post, nice to meet you.
Upvote n follow you.

thanks a lot friends, i will follow you @ruslan

welcome to steemit, if need help i am willing to help you @ munira31

Hey. Welcome to steemit.

Good to see more women on Steem. I am new here too.

Have fun.


Neu up vote lon@gunairhamudin

Selamat bergabung di steemit
di tunggu tulisan-tulisan kreatif selanjutnya

Follback kak, salam kenal 😊

Selamat datang di steemit kak @munirahayati. Akhirnya sah menjadi warga steemit, heheh

iyaa..sma2 @nurhayati
jgan lupa di vote and follow ya..
maklum, baru pemula ne😊

Selamat datang @munirahayati
Bila anda butuh bantuan temui saya di

Mohon di bantu @zulfahri

Ok kawan' @zulfahri
Nyoe long @taqin cit beuh',, cuma ini cewek long' kita sama sama membantu ok.