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RE: I'm Joe, I'm Irish, and I'm ready to set Steemit **ablaze**!!

Well my friend - you know you can tick Melbourne, Australia off on your list. I love reading your freewrites (actually I love a lot of everyones, and being a busy parent makes it hard to appreciate them all as you well know!) It's great to finally know more about you and it will give me some insight as we continue to write our freewrites!!
PS - your song is great - designed to be sung with a pint of ale in the little Irish pub I know called "The Drunken Poet" Cheers!!!


Ah, great to have one of my freewrite pals drop in.. I spent a bit of time in Melbourne actually back in 2007, it's a great city, spent most of down around St Kilda.. Thanks for the kind words about the song, I wrote like a freewrite, in around 5 minutes, it just kind of flowed.. Cant wait to see what Edprivat does with it..