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RE: Introducing my nomad self in pictures and words

Nice introduction post my dude.

Haha so cool you were even at the Braille Skatehouse?!
I know them from YouTube, I‘ve been skating through out my youth aswell.

Hope you have a good time on the Steem platform. 😃

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Thank you @patrizius92 my new friend, haha, yes Braille was pretty fun, it was in last october and then I was there once more on crutches just watching Felipe Nunez and two other guys rip . If you search my name with Braille you should find the episode with me.

I hope you are having a great time on Steem as well! Man I've been up the four last nights writing now, I have to find a way to balance it out more haha.

Now the new post is posted at least so good night, see you later, please feel free to let me know what you want to see me post here first, I'd appreciate feedback! And let me know if you want feedback on some of your posts too. :) Now my steem power should be out too. :D