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RE: [NSFW] Hi - I’m Anita D.

Joining steemit just this week to discuss the issues of digital privacy is raising a lot of thoughts from a post like this. The personal interest is of course what happens to all these semi-nude or nude photo's on the internet as they last forever but now that this platform exist, will the Sex related posts begin to dominate the site since we all know the popular phrase "Sex Sells!!!"


Interesting discussion topic. I think it will definitely play a large role in the steemit ecosystem but I don't think sex will dominate the social network. I look to other social networks like Twitter and Reddit which have rampant NSFW content but don't appear to be overrun by it.

Maybe this will reveal if those corporate controlled entities have been holding back sexual content from dominating their networks this whole time and steemit won't have that same overlord stopping the titty flood to come. We'll find out soon enough.

But on the flip side, there is not much financial motivation to post NSFW content on those sites, on steemit there is.

Well they each have their own motivating systems. Karma, followers or money. Having been a reddit user for years I always find the rise and fall of gonewild posts making it to /r/all during the evenings fascinating. The NSFW content has it's time and place but never overtakes.

I'm pretty sure you should try to understand the difference between steem and steemit
In my opinion, it would be better building a specific NSFW website connected to Steem blockchain, and not using steemit.

Yea, i'm very new here so still trying to understand the difference between Steem and Steemit

There's no need for that. In the future we can expect to be able to filter both the tags we want to see and those we want to avoid. NSFW will probably be hidden by default.

titty flood made me smile ;-)

Username checks out! Following you now also. Right, like the future of blockchain is def. an interesting system in how all this plays out on the big stage. Good post!