
Greetings Steemians,

It is with great pleasure to be part of this new family. By the way I am Sercon (Sercon Maiso Jr.), my friends call me “Masoi”. I am 20 yrs. old, and a 5th year student taking up Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering. I describe myself as a Simple Person with a Dream! A dream to have an Engineer added to my name. I know it’s hard but I know I can!


I love music, I love listening to them during travels, while doing chores and mostly when I go to bed. They just relieve you from all the stresses that you have! Also I love to sing! Singing is my talent, as a matter of fact I am once a member of our University Chorale. Someday I’ll post a video of me singing songs to you guys!


Traveling is also on my bucket list, especially to different beaches in the Philippines. This infatuation to travel starts when me and my family have our vacation in Malapascua Island, I don’t really want to go because I don’t know how to swim (someone can relate to this! Haha), but I’ve seen pictures of the island and its very precious, it’s almost like its calling me! And when were there I just jump to the water and dive, and I suddenly realize I can swim! And with that I have seen beautiful fishes and corals that I’ve never seen before. Someday I will travel and dive underwater to see more of the marine lives.




But guys, my family is the most beautiful destination that I’ve ever been to and they will always be. I love my family so much. Someday we will travel again together and well share it to you guys!





I can’t wait to meet new friends and share new experiences with you guys!


Thank You.


Nice intro...

hahaha!!! thank you for you appreciation!

Welcome my friend. Stay awesome 😊😊

That's great introduction post. Better than mine! I really like it :) What music do you listen? American or your native? Btw, you can check my introduction post, I would like to get a feedback.

Welcome on steemit @serconmaiso, stay awesome. By the way I had something to tell about Bunos Stuff!

You may now get you're virtual fish or ERC-721 crypto token stored on the Ethereum blockchain here for free.

Thank you for choosing me as one of your recipient of this opportunity @cloudspyder sir! I just have I question, do i already have an account or should i make one?? Thank you again!


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