From My Sevlievo Exhibition










Photos by @manoldonchev

Heyy,guys.I have not published any posts recently. First time publishing since the creation of Hive.

So I decided to introduce myself as a painter by sharing some pictures from my exhibition in 2018, called FACES. It was in the town of Sevlievo.

As you know I am interested in making portraits of famous persons. On the first picture I show famous Bulgarian actors. There is also a portrait of Nicole Kidman with ginger hair sitting between two foxes. Their fluffy tails are transformed into her hair. Also, I made a portrait of Rihanna. Her portrait is called Nightwatch. I tried to show the night using her face hiding between shadows of leaves.

In this exhibition I showed portraits from two different periods. The first was characterized with white faces using details from the nature.The portrait of Penelope Cruz is a bouquet of roses called Gift.

I organized the exhibition in two different halls. In the first hall there were the portraits. In the second, the landscapes. Some of this artworks I have shown here. Painting landscapes is also interesting to me. I prefer painting outdoors because the light, the colours, and the shadows fascinate me.

As you see there is a portrait of an old lady. I used charcoal to make it. It was interesting to me that this drawing was the first that found its customer!

Thanks for seeing it!




Such gorgeous pieces, Silvya ! And you are so beautiful, too <3 I love all of these paintings as they are reflections of you <3 I've seen some of these before in your gallery but it's wonderful to see them up on the wall of a gallery like this <3

I really like the portrait with the praying hands that you emulated in person XD so wonderful ! gorgeous post and wishing you a really fantastic and successful exhibition !

Thank you very much, veryspider! You are so kind. I'm so happy to read it!

You have a lot of class as a lady. You're more interesting than Nicole Kidman.