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RE: Hey there, I'm the new guy 😉

Cool! Welcome to the community @cornflakes! I like your picture seems like a very relaxing place to read a book, take a nap, or just soak in the energy :)

May I ask where this was taken? A friend of my owns an island with a similar view. Although all islands look the same don't they?🤣

Nothing beats a nice long walk on a short beach am I right!?

Anyway, here a warm welcome to the community and I'm looking forward to seeing you're next posts! Keep it up, man!



wow thank you very much @singedbandaid for your awesome welcome 😊 The picture was taken somewhere between Khao Lak and Phuket at a hotel beach. So unfortunately not on a privat island like the one your friend owns but in case it's as awesome as the view on my picture your friend is a really lucky one 😉