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RE: Hey Steemit! This is my introduction.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Steemit mate. Giving you an upvote and follow for your super nice photos but also cos of your hectic beard. I'm 38 in a month and still can't grow a beard for shit :(

It's a dream of mine to one day make it Yosemite National Park and visit the U.S in general. Congrats on getting married... all downhill from here ;)

If you're a bit lost on Steemit feel free to follow people that inspire you to produce better content and have a laugh. Heaps of tutorials around but seems like you already get the gist of it so good luck :)


You definitely need to make it out to Yosemite. It's easily one of the best parks I've ever been to. And thanks! I definitely feel new here but everyone seems very welcoming and it seems pretty cool here.