Introducing SteemPeak, a new application for the Steem blockchain with everything you need


@SteemPeak has created something new we think you'll love:

We are huge fans of the Steem blockchain and the blogging apps and and we know Steem, INC encourages developers to build new platform on the blockchain, so we've created a site based off the Steem social media aspect of the blockchain. We love it and think you will too.


What does SteemPeak have to offer already?
This is only our very first release with 2-3 more planned for JUNE alone.

  • STANDARD FEATURES you are already familiar with
  • NO DELAY on commenting and voting (using a buffer to give you more freedom)
  • DRAFTS (should make any power user ecstatic)
  • BOOKMARKS (save all those posts you love, or want to read later)
  • WYSIWYG EDITOR (because most of the world has no clue how to do those fancy codes)
  • LARGER IMAGES in feed (as photographers we love this)
  • COMMENTING inside feed and replies section (this is a huge time saver)
  • GRID VIEW OPTION (lots of posts on the same page is a fun different way to check your feed)
  • VOTE SLIDER for everyone (big and beautiful)
  • VOTE VALUES (now you can see just how generous your friends are)
  • CHARTS (for the statistics loving geeks we have some great charts)
  • GSMI NUMBERS (these statistics are a wonderful way to understand the true value and potential of Steem)
  • SAVED TOPICS (quick way to search those keywords you look at all the time)


Simplify the STEEM experience for the new users and be a one stop shop for the advanced users.

New Users: If you're reading this you're likely already a steem user. What we want to create is a site you would feel much more comfortable sending your friends to. Better looking and more intuitive for a non-steemian or a new steemian. We want to help guide a new user from the beginning of their experience and help them understand and become advanced users.

Advanced Users: We plan to have all the normal features plus most of the really exciting and time saving tools on SteemPeak so you don't have to go to lots of different sites looking for tools.


We love getting your insights as to features you'd love to see. We've proven to be quick on development even as a part time project for all of us. But here is a roadmap we created for June.


Lots of awesome functions!! You saw that correctly: autovotes, scheduling, night mode and even more cool developments on bookmarks and drafts.


We know it's been controversial theme on steemit so we're excited to put our two cents in the design of SteemPeak ...WE REMOVED TRENDING

We didn't remove all the functionality we mostly removed the WORD from our site/design. Except for in URL for consistency among all Steem based sites.

Highest rewarded posts can still be found:
You can go to TOPIC (aka "Category", "Keyword")
By default it's all topics sorted by "reward" which for now is similar to trending.

Don't be surprised if (in the future) you notice even better sorting mechanisms that take into account the type of content you love the most and the people you follow.

A Compromise:
So we hope you are on board with this change. We believe trending in the past led to really bad expectations for new Steem users. Financially speaking no one will stop people/companies from investing into their posts however that shouldn't mean this creates "A TREND" or "HOTNESS". We recognize some (even myself @jarvie) love seeing what posts are being rewarded the most, we can still sort by "REWARD" and determine for ourselves if that constitutes "A Trend"

BTW Did you know that on STEEMPEAK you can then save your favorite topics and go back to them frequently and easily.

We aren't done with this subject we think there are still ways to improve the browsing experience of SteemPeak/Steemit/Busy.


We believe that you should NEVER put your KEYS anywhere online that you don't trust. So far that mostly means don't put it anywhere other than and SteemConnect. We have chosen to use SteemConnect so you don't have to use your private keys to log into SteemPeak.

We suggest using your ACTIVE KEY not your OWNER KEY when using STEEMCONNECT. We presently don't even have a way to change your password so owner key would have no advantage.

On steemit you can retrieve that key by going to: Wallet > Permissions > Active > Login to Show


We're photographers who met through @photogames.

@asgarth came up with the idea and is the lead developer.
-- He's been a software developer based in Italy working on web applications and enterprise business software since 2006. He started working on SteemPeak as a personal project. He sees SteemPeak as a single entry point for the blockchain and the community around it.

@dmytrokorol is our designer
-- Runs a small but awesome graphic design studio in Ukraine since 2007.
His goal is to design SteemPeak as user-friendly as possible and make mass adoption of steem blockchain easier.

@jarvie is the PR Guy and Tester
-- Full time photographer since 2008 based in the U.S. and has experience working and commissioning new websites.
He has an interest in seeing Steem (site and currency) excel and wants SteemPeak to save him time and also be a place he can send friends.

We all come up with new tools and ideas... We're really excited about some of the ones we have planned even beyond the "Coming Soon" features. Hope you're ready to come along for the ride


ACCOUNT - @steempeak


This is our first release and we want to know:

  1. Which feature you are most excited by?
  2. For those who switch to SteemPeak tell us which feature sold you?
  3. For those who haven't made the switch tell us which feature you're still waiting for?
  4. Follow @steempeak and join us on Discord for updates and feedback

Welcome to Steemit @steempeak!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How does Steemit actually work?

Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings!

Sergio, Dmytro and Jarvie amazing work. Let's favorite parts of the new platform--lots.

  1. The editor- I have only memorize a couple of the keys, now I don't have too memorize any more!

  2. Bookmarks- great for those posts I want to save and review again.

  3. Vote slider and values. Super cool to see the correlation from the percent to how much that will give the person and then to see how much they gave you right on the post. So nice. Oh and in the dashboard to see how much vote power I have at any given time.

  4. The beautiful and oh so colorful charts.

  5. After reading about the grid mode I just did it. I like!

I am looking forward to Autovotes (I haven't set that up yet) and interpersonal messages.

Thanks for all the work!

Great list! I'm glad we can stop spending our time teaching people all those crazy things for editing. There are more important things to focus on right?

So awesome!! I had a quick peek and will test it out later today!

That's great... there are some wonderful time saving features which should be great for TRAVELERS and PHOTOGRAPHERS alike... of which you are both!

Don't forget to let us know which features are the most interesting to you... and which ones on our RoadMap you're looking forward to most.

Looking epic lads! Great to see this all coming along. As photogaphy is the main reason I'm here this platform is excellent for seeing large high quality pictures. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Tim !!

I know I'm late to the party, but it seems difficult for me to find or even search for tags/topics that aren't in the list to the left.

Epic! Working on spreading news about this :D

That's awesome we hope it helps your friends stay connected with you and stick with STERN for a long while .

I am full time on steempeak now! I love the grid view, it is so cool feature to check my photo feed! And I like the post editor. We are just in two steps to forget about markdown and html, and my mom will appreciate it ;)

Interesting i haven't switched over to the grid view much... i wonder how much people will use each of the views.

Also makes me happy that i don't have to explain editor stuff to new friends. That alone scared some of them away "You put two stars before and after what you want to bold... oh and three stars if you want to bold and do italics" yep that never went over well. hahaha

Keep up the great work guys!

Welcome to Steemit!!!

My own goal is to see if I can go 100% without and recently it's been working great, I'd say i'm at like 99% links from other posts are the only thing. A couple more features like sorting of comments.

But so far even with the cool new features two of my favorite less visable features are the ability to comment as much and fast as I can. And commenting inside of the feed or the replies. Those are two features that save me time... and saving time is a big deal for me!

Welcome to Steem, @steempeak!

I am a bot coded by the SteemPlus team to help you make the best of your experience on the Steem Blockchain!
SteemPlus is a Chrome, Opera and Firefox extension that adds tons of features on Steemit.
It helps you see the real value of your account, who mentionned you, the value of the votes received, a filtered and sorted feed and much more! All of this in a fast and secure way.
To see why 2854 Steemians use SteemPlus, install our extension, read the documentation or the latest release : SteemPlus 2.17 : Tips.

Welcome to Steemit, steempeak! Wish you make many new friends here in this fun-loving community :) Life is Good

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link
@newbieresteemday invite link

Great stuff, guys! I'm a photographer (and programmer) too, and I think I've commented on and liked a couple of things from @jarvie in the last week or so. If I hadn't made the decision to stop doing steem dev and focus more on my photography, I might have offered myself for any help you need. Having said that, on a whim I decided to create a new steem app last week and in doing so I've come up with a good idea for an app for photographers on steem. I'm going to bust that one out in the next week or two. And then I'll get back to photography. ;)

But regarding the apps (they are browser plugins), they interact to a degree with If your platform turns out to be a viable alternative, particularly for photographers, I'd love to adapt the app to interact with SteemPeak. So I've followed you, and I'll see where your development takes you. If I can be of any help in your dev work, let me know. I can't promise I'll commit to anything big, but I might be able to contribute something. Cheers guys!

K we're all ears! ... Well i am at least ;) haha

Sounds great I will check it out later
Resteemed for more to see

Good and let us know what features you are liking the most and which (if any) you're missing.

Will do to tired to check it out tonight but tomorrow for sure

This is interesting, will definitely check it out :) tipuvote! 10

Cool... and what is this tipuvote thing first time seeing it!

Voting bot that you can tell to upvote a post by wtiting the command in your comment (sending the post url as memo works too:). It can also send tips, like tip! 0.4

Well fancy fancy! Thanks for the insight... and the tip of course

Hi @jarvie! You have received 0.4 SBD tip from @cardboard!

@cardboard wrote lately about: Steepshot: In The Mirror Feel free to follow @cardboard if you like it :)

Earn daily income on steem: @tipU distributes 100% profit + 60% curation rewards to all investors.

Hi @steempeak! You have received 9.75 SBD @tipU upvote from @cardboard !

Delegate or Invest to @tipU to receive daily profit payouts: @tipU distributes 100% profit and additional 60% curation rewards to all investors and allows to automatically reinvest selected part of your payout.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Hi & welcome! :)
Long expected changes..
Well done!

Thanks glad you like it.

Cooo, this is going to be great and will make the whooe steemit experience better, kudos guys

I'm happy that saw your post at one of my steemit fellows blog! It's Great! You took all the best from different platforms and it works quiet good! I tried it even with old android 4.5 on one of my old mobile devices and steempeak works stably! I think soon I can forget about with yours bookmarks! Also do you thought to add different languages in settings menu? I hope you'll grow up further! Good luck @steempeak!

That's good to know... our main focus on MOBILE is still to come.

And a all of us on the team speak a few languages so that's a possibility.

Thank you for your answer! I'll be waiting next update of Steempeak! and I think you won't be mind that I tried to tell about your project in my native language in my blog.


Excellent proposal, I join her and I promote her from now on.

Thanks, check out also the new features included in the last release ;)

Hi. I checked out out steempeak and I like it. However, I don't like using the ACTIVE key to log in. For steemit I only log in using the POSTING key, so that if someone gets it, they can't move money from my account. This seems A LOT safer. When logging into steempeak it says you can log in using your POSTING key but they you have to use your ACTIVE key or PASSWORD. Why is this? I do not feel comfortable using my ACTIVE key. Plus, I can't use your site for other accounts that I only have the POSTING key for, rendering it useless. Please think about changing this.

Hi @choogirl, thanks for checking out @steempeak. Steempeak use SteemConnect to login, so actually your active or posting key is never sent to our servers. Unfortunately we cannot change how SteemConnect works, and currently the active key is required to authorize your account the first time you login. After the first login there is a way to login with your posting key, you can check the full post here:

Thanks. I think that worked (at least for my personal account).

@choogirl what @asgarth said that you're not actually logging into SteemPeak ever. However i have used a work around to be able to get the Posting key to work. I hope @steemconnect fixes it so we don't need a work around and can just use posting anytime and all the time.

Thanks. The work around seems to work. A permanent solution would be great if steemconnect fixes it though. I still can't log into the other accounts I post from since I don't have the active keys.

Yes we've had that issue before. Someone with the active key will need to log into SteemPeak first.... then you'll be able to use the posting key on that account.

Yeah if you know anyone from SteemConnect let them know. We'll keep trying to see if there's a better solution.

I don't. But I'll ask around.