STEEM price +500% since @welcoming's launch! Over 500 resteems in 2017!

Liquid rewards made with this post will be converted to STEEM and sent directly to @welcoming


Before talking about @welcoming, I want to wish everybody who is reading this a happy and great start in 2018!

If you have not heard about @welcoming, you can do so by scrolling down my blog and reading various updates. (Link to the 1st post!)

With only being here for about one month, @welcoming has already resteemed over 500 new users and has helped many more with upvotes!

This seems to be working for the STEEM network, since the launch of @welcoming, the price has skyrocketed from around 1$ to almost 6$ per STEEM!

Ok, just kidding, I of course don't think that @welcoming is the reason for that! But it makes up as a great clickbait (I hope :P)

But it's still awesome if STEEM & SBD are a little high - Just imagine the effect it has when new users tell their friends about steemit:

"Hey, have you heard about steemit? I got 50$ for my introduction post there, isn't that awesome!"

Nobody ever said that about facebook!

I am of course not talking about giving 50$ to everybody who registers to this platform - That would be insane. But if users know it is possible even if you don't have connections, it is a huge boost for the picture steemit should have. And people will see that and come. And ultimately, growth of the platform will boost the price even higher.

So supporting newbies is not just good for the - It's good for all of us - Investors, Content Creators, Developers. For all!

Source: pixabay

Happy with the new voting pattern:

In my eyes, the new voting pattern discussed about a week ago is working fine. It consists of around:

  • 10x a 66% upvote + a resteem/day
  • 10-15x a 25% upvote/day

This way I can support up to 25 new users per day while not annoying followers with too many resteems or lowering the voting power too far.

I am quite happy with this and don't plan on changing anything here - Hope you guys agree with me!

You might have also mentioned, that I switched from commenting with @theaustrianguy to commenting with @welcoming itself. That way it is more about the project and less about myself, which is great.

A huge thanks to @welcoming's supporters!

At this stage, I want to give out a huge "Thank You!" to everybody supporting @welcoming. A few users have helped so much, I just need to mention them personally!



With a huge delegation of 12357 STEEMPOWER, this guy is accountable for the main part of the upvote strength. AND he even declined getting a share in the curation rewards so that @welcoming can even grow faster! Thank you so much!



This user has been supporting me from the first day - well, actually he was the one bringing me to the idea of this whole thing! And I still can see his votes going to resteemed users every day. Thank you!



All the way from down under - this user is supporting @welcoming by autofollowing its' vote. Whenever I am voting on an introduction with the account, @ausbitbank is following me with an upvote of around 1$ - Which is worth way more due to the current SBD price. That's definitely worth a huge "Thx!"!!!


Even though this user is not a whale like the ones above, he also immiadiately delegated some SP when he heard about this project. He is generally a quite active user - now he is even running a witness server @cryptwo - Check it out.



Last but not least we have this young guy from Norway, who himself joined in December 17!!! After he got resteemed with @welcoming, he decided to contribute with a delegation of 50 SP himself. How great is that? Not even two weeks from getting supported to becoming a big supporter himself. Love it!!!

Source: pixabay

How you can help:

  • Follow @welcoming and upvote posts you like: This part doesn't need explanation I guess ;) Helping this platform grow will be one of the key things for it's future success!

  • Delegate SP to @welcoming: You could also help the project by delegating some Steempower to @welcoming. I promise, that the account will never upvote anything else than manually curated introduction posts. Of course the curation rewards from @welcoming will be given to the delegators according to their percentage of the whole account's power!

  • Upvote this post! Like I have done with the other posts about @welcoming, all liquid rewards of this post will be converted to STEEM and powered up to the account @welcoming!

  • Tell me your ideas! Do you have an idea what I could do better? Just tell me, when can talk about everything! Good ideas will of course be rewarded with an upvote!

TL & DR: Due to the amazing support of the users mentioned above, @welcoming is doing great. We have already passed the 500 resteems line and have voted many more. And this is just the beginning! If you wanna help, see above how you can!


Using irrelevant tags, especially popular tags, makes it hard to find good and relevant content.Please try to use only relevant tags when posting.


The “introduceyourself” tag is for creating a post that tells us about you. Users are encouraged to use this tag exclusively for that, and not to reuse it.

At rep 64 I think its safe to say people are familiar with you at this point :)

I thought it's ok since it is about curating posts in #introduceyourself - But I will stop using that tag, you are right ;)

I'm glad you have had such awesome supporters. I'm curious if you need help with the manual curation.

I definitely will in the near future - Especially if steemit continues to grow! I am regarding that matter in one of my next posts - If you want to help, you can add me on discord (#2943) and we can talk about it ;)

That sounds awesome, thanks man.

I would also love to help with this. I don't have a lot of steem power but I would love to help with manual Curation then maybe with steem power when I've amassed some

Everybody can help, even at the moment! Whenever you find a promising post, just send it to me via memo function ;)


this is an excellent initiative, you are one of those people who make the platform Steam much more interesting. And with the support of the above-mentioned people, you are excellent at supporting newcomers, thereby helping the platform to evolve. After all, if each of the newcomers grows and leads new users, this will be a good step towards development. Thank you

Great work @theaustrianguy! You definitely helped me off here at first by motivating to share good content. I've come across some good intro posts by seeing your resteems on my feed. Good to see your hard work start to pay off!

You have got some heavy weight supporters. Lucky you. Keep going by helping the newbies in this community.

Great iniciative brother! I'll be delegating some power pretty soon! Cheers Bro!

Hello @theaustrianguy.

Great work :)

Thanks for mentioning me in the post. It feels great to be appreciated. Unfornetelly I just removed my 50 sp delegation cause I thought it was way to small to do any help... After reading your post I decided to double my contribution to @welcoming! I just got to wait for a week to get my delegations back (I have some other delegations I am waiting for to come back as wel...) , then I will send my double delegation back! :)

Best regards Benjamin.

Yey! Thanks for helping the minnows out! We are lucky for opportunities like this. Makes us feel all welcomed (making @welcoming's initiative all successful). Congratulations with the milestone!

Congratulations my friend and nice post

Even without a resteem, the @welcoming account has been extremely helpful for me in cutting through the click-bait to begin networking with other quality and original content creators that help strengthen the value demonstrated by our community. This is a project that I would like to provide support to as well.

Perhaps a topic that new users might be interested in is what a curator such as yourself looks for when determining something is "promising". I know that there aren't many of us these days, but for folks that are launching a brand only on steemit initially, having the support of quality curation community has been allowing people to hit the ground running. Thanks for all you do!

Fantastic greetings

Whoa this is amazing and a very nice initistive, which will definitely serve as a benefit to new users like me, Many people arent aware of this,as i only stumbled across your post while reading comments from other post, is there like a community on discord or telegram where users can join so as to benefit from all of this ?

Yes, 2018 begins just awesome - Happy New Year @theaustrianguy and Steem On!

this is such a good idea!
I"m new on this platform and still figuring out how it works.
Let me know if there is anything I can do (on top of following @welcoming) for you, or you for me. Cheers!

Freakin awesome! I was wondering bout the accounts an money goin to my post but now the puzzle is completed.
Thanks for sharing my post!