Hi I'm Jord and I Get Paid to Travel the World (and you can too..)

OK so I know the heading sounds like some sort of spam, but I promise you it's not.. just keep reading and I'll explain!

Hi Steemians!

My name is Jordan Simons and I've been travelling the world while working online for the past 3+ years. Now I want to show other people how to do the same!

Back in 2014 I sold most of my possessions, quit my job and began to travel – a bit cliché I know but that's just how it worked for me. I think having that definite moment of 'this is what I'm going to do and there's no going back' definitely helped to push me towards where I am now.



Since I originally decided to quit my job (Project Manager in IT in the UK, just in case you were wondering) there have been a lot of highs and lows. Here are some of the cliff-notes:

  • Ran out of money after the first 9 months and ended up broke.
  • Worked in Australia for 6 months on a working holiday visa to save money to travel again.
  • Decided I wanted to work online while travelling and came up with a strategy.
  • Lived in Asia for 1 & 1/2 years while learning to work online and growing my YouTube channel.
  • Now I earn a full-time income and get to do what I love!

Currently I'm living in Bucharest, Romania and have spent the last few months travelling around Europe and Canada.


How I Started Working Online

I began this journey by doing freelance web design and 'oddjobs' online (upwork, fiverr etc.). I had the initial goal of being able to earn $15 a day online (which by the way is easily achievable) as I knew that would pay for most living expenses in SouthEast Asia on a backpackers budget. I also still had the savings from Australia to keep myself going (and just in case).

I began working on my own blog and social media channels, documenting my personal experience of working online while travelling. After about 6 months of continued effort and learning, I was beginning to make some revenue from my YouTube channel so decided to do that full-time.


My Journey on YouTube

Over the last 2 years I've been using my YouTube Channel to document my travels, sometimes giving advice and sometimes just showing the beautiful places I'm in.

I've been lucky enough to be sponsored by top travel brands and have been given free & paid trips all over the world, earning up to $10000 for a single trip.

Here are examples of videos I've made:

I Love Photography

I've developed a passion for photography while I've been travelling and I post all my favourite images to my Instagram account. I never even owned a DSLR until 2 years ago and now I take it everywhere with me!


Hello Steemit!

So why am I telling you all this? I've used lots of social media channels in the past to share my experience and now I'd love to be part of the Steemit community!

I want to pass on all tips and tricks I've gained from my own experience to possibly help some of you on your own path. I'll be creating articles and videos, sharing everything I've learnt over the past few years!

To get us started, please let me know below if there's anything you'd like to know :)

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Hello and welcome to Steemit ✌️

Great intro!

As an IT guy who sold up to run a shop in Mallorca last year, now with plans to do some charity work + blogging, I think you could be my new hero! 😁

Good luck on Steemit dude!

Thanks! I don't know about hero but I'll do my best to help out where I can :D
Mallorca is beautiful btw, hope to get back there at some point!

Cheers, may need some vid/camera advice to start!

Yeah love Mallorca, here for a month and it's Nepal via Lisbon for Steemfest!

Cheers and good luck again!

Good luck @thelifeofjord

For those who just joined #Steemit and they would like to move faster, please, follow just 3 steps for making a really fast start.

Comment posts - the first and major step.
but not with just "thank you" practically about nothing. Please, carefully read a post and make constructive comments and you would always be a benefited for. For your smart (funny) comments you will always get Upvotes and followers, even if it's old posts
Why am I considering a commenting as a major step? Because beside to get upvotes, you should start to think how to grow your followers base. If you would only post-post-post, how your potential followers would know about you? and you don't have a luxury just post and wait one perfect moment when people would start to resteem your post for sharing your words to others. Instead of waiting that perfect moment you should create your visibility with your posts.
I don't have any whales in my followers and my probability to get valuable upvotes for my posts equals to 0. But when I comment a Big Fish post, I get a real chance to bring my words to a bigger audience and as a result, earn bigger rewards.

Upvote posts for supporting users and they will support you. Do remember: we grow together
How to vote with less power without burning yourself,

Resteem posts which are a matter for you. It will improve your own blog visibility and would allow you to make some extra money

One more extra: ask questions. I mean it. Ask questions in your posts and in your comments, start discussions and be active in your replies

.... and, please, don't begging "follow me/I follow you" "upvote for upvote" etc.... it does work on other platforms but doesn't work on #steemit and would only make you look silly

Very good advice, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing this. Big help for me how to start.

Commenting, upvoting, and resteeming posts....check, check, and check! Thanks for the tips. But Big Fish and Whales? I mean whales are warm blooded and breath oxygen, while fish are cold-blooded and breath through gills.......haha!! Have a steemalicious day!!

welcome to steemit... I hope you are comfortable here

Welcome @thelifeofjord to this great community.

You are living my dream. I'm so jealous right now :)
This is an awesome way things turned out, I've found out people who dare to pursue their dreams mostly get to live their dream. Imagine you did not take that bold step and quitted when you did, you would be been stuck in a job you may obviously dislike. Congratulations on you achievements so far. It inspires some of us who are wondering what would happen when we take that bold step to try to live our dreams.

Thank you so much for that comment.
Honestly, I think the hardest step towards doing what you really want to do is the first one. Once you really begin to work towards your passion and put all your energy into it, the rest eventually falls into place.

100% agree with you.

Steemit is the perfect place for you! Welcome @thelifeofjord

Can't wait to learn more about it!

Welcome to Steem, Jord!

Thanks, looking forward to being a part of the community!

Hi, @Thelifeofjord, Let me welcome you to Steemit. Hope you gonna have fun with our community. Feel free to follow me @rightuppercorner Have a great time @rightuppercorner

Thanks for the welcome!

I'm so glad you're here!! See you soon!

Thanks for letting me know about it!

Nice to meet you, @thelifeofjord! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

Appreciate it! You have an amazing day too :D

Hey Jordan, how are you doing?
I really like you post and I'm very interested in starting out my life like you have, i just graduated from school this month and honestly I have an adventurous spirit I love to travel. Seeing your post got me really excited and it would be great if we can talk more so I can have a go at this. Before I forget welcome to the Steemit community, I'm sure you would enjoy every time you stay here it's very rewarding, I'm a few months here but I believe soon enough I too would enjoy greatly from it.
I'm @Janrotas you can check out my page and follow, I try to keep up a good blog, I'm sure i have some interesting write ups you would like or relate with.
If you can share more information on traveling and earning on the go, please do. Welcome again!

Hi there welcome t steemit community and I like you work and please support this community and looking forward for your support....

Thanks for the welcome and I plan to support this community as much as possible :)

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I've just followed you in case you have some more tips. I would love to do what you do at least for some time. Not for my whole live but right now it would be great!

I'll definitely have more tips, I will be putting out my first article tonight and then will try to keep sharing more! Honestly, I think everyone should try it. It might not be for you but the only way you'll know is by giving it a shot.

wow man glad your here this is awesome!! your whole article is everything I wish to achieve!!! thank you for the inspiration and hopefully we can connect. I'm definitely gonna follow you ! I play music, do comedy, and vlog so If you wanna check it out sometime il be here:) have a great day man!

Hahaha. This is supet cool. And I get it. A lot of people are so scared to do what they want because we've locked up our minds into doing what's expected of us instead of doing what we want to do. We forget that life is so short so you have to live it to the max!

Well said, I was about to post the same thing but you beat me to it! ;-) Most people are afraid to take risks for one reason or another, and this is true even if they have the means and the financial resources. A lot of us prefer the illusory safety net of familiarity.

Welcome to Seemit.... just got here myself and I am a fellow traveler. Now with a family, a wife and a 3 year old, we still travel the world!!!! We proved all those people wrong who told us our travels will end after having a kid.
Nice one mate on finding a way to make money online to keep traveling. You're living the dream.

Seldom does it happen that an introduction post touches the right nerve, and inspires you more than anything in a long time.
Getting to travel the world and earning to do what you love, that's the dream!

You lucky man you. I am slowly attempting to gain the knowledge I need to work online and and at least be comfortable. Welcome to the platform and I hope I can learn from you.

Hello @thelifeofjord let me welcome you to steemit, this is an awesome experience hope you will like it, you have been followed, kindly follow back @joendegz

Thanks for the welcome!

Hello)) im also new here and also have simmilar hobbies))

awesome to hear, hopefully we can help each other!

hi there nice to meet you, I wanted to quit my job and learn how to blog about travel too

Hopefully I can help out :)

Welcome to steemit Jordan! I'm sure you'll have an amazing time in this amazing platform with all the awesome people on it.

Looking forward to follow your adventures!

Really looking forward to sharing more!

Good luck on the platform! Im sure you have allot to post about your travels

Can't wait to share more!

Welcome to steemit! I hope you find this community as great and supportive as I do.

I hope so too and sure I will - thanks for the welcome!

That's an awesome journey Jord . Welcome to Steemit. :)

Thanks for the welcome, looking forward to learning more here.

Congratulations @thelifeofjord, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 3613 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $745.65. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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A useful and productive hobby

Indeed - and it's also my passion which is very handy ;)

Hello and welcome to Steemit! This is a great expanding community very glad you decided to join, best of luck!! Fallow my channel if you wish @darius1993

Hey! Welcome to Steemit. Loved the post. Looking forward to more content! Hope you have a good time.

Welcome to Steemit! I hope to travel more with @corinnestokes as the kids get older. :)

Nice! Always wantaned to travel around the world! Thanks for sharing your story. Hopefuly I will be able to travel as well soon.

Hello fellow traveler! thank you for sharing your story, it's always great to read what others do for income while traveling full time. Congratulations and hope that you also find success here on Steemit :)

Welcome to Steemit. Good to see you are living the dream. Have fun

Welcome! Today is my first day on steemit and I feel like a kid on Christmas. WOW. Traveling is fun but traveling around is not the dream for me... but the fact you are in your prime and risked the security of a job for freedom that later turned into security is the movement of steemit and crypto IMO. I love the inspiration you share when you share your story. Thank you.

Pretty cool story. I'm not sure if I could sell everything and leave haha. It's awesome to hear about others doing it though.

Wellcome Jordan, we are happy to have you here on steemit :D
If you need any help or anything don't hesitate to ask!

Please check my Introduction post as well :)


You're an inspiration Jord! just followed you on instagram. Looking forward to more steemit posts from your next adventure

What an impressive story, Jord!
I fully agree on what you said in your second video about a life's mission: define your passion, do what you love, and then the gaps towards that aim will be filled automatically.

I'm pretty sure you gonna enjoy your time on steemit :-)
Upped and followed.

HEY JORD!!! I'm a fan from YouTube. Would love it if you follow me here after me following you all these years. BTW I love the videos and would love to learn from you.
Welcome to steemit.
Regards and best wishes,

I'm happy that people like you are joining Steemit! It will make all our experiences richer. This is also a great example of how tech can make our lives so much more interesting if we have the courage to follow our dreams. Looking forward to reading more from you!

you are the best help me win followers


Brilliant intro post @thelifeofjord - Awesome you're livin' it large and earning while at it. TBH I feel like pulling the plug and embarking on a nomadic quest myself, but for this and that tying me down :/

If you've got any room in one of your suitcases I'm sure I could lose a few pounds and squeeze in?

Welcome to Steemit just what i love doing am in Thailand now and loving it. Upvoted, Following and Resteemed. Please follow back we can share some adventures. Cheers :)

Upvoted and Following You Now!!!
Kindly follow!

Welcome aboard-much success to you! ✌🏾

Welcome to Steem

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