Hello Hive

Greetings from North Carolina to all of you beautiful people. I was asked to introduce myself to you all. You might be curious as to how I found out about Hive. A video about blockchain social sites popped up in my feed on YouTube. When I saw it, my curiosity got the best of me and I watched the video. I then began to research it more and liked what I was hearing. So now here I am.

If you are wondering how to pronounce my name, it is the singular form of the plural form of Seraphim. Seraphim are the creatures that are around God’s throne. I spell it as saraph, but in many places it is spelled seraph. I have been fortunate to be able to get that name wherever I go in the metaverse.
It looks like someone on Hive already took it, so I did the “xx” thing to be able to use it here. I chose that name because I wanted my online name to be bible-based but also would work in the VR community and other places. If you are wondering what I have on my head in my profile picture, it is my VR Headset.

My life consists of being a Christian, father/husband, messing around with AI Art, Pokemon Go, and hanging out playing games and talking with people with my Virtual Reality headset.

I want to give a shout out to @thekittygirl for helping me on the hive discord. Thank you for helping me get started.


Welcome to hive blockchain a new world in web3 where your content has value ,There are some information that you need to know as you navigate this new world:

  • Exploring communities on hive Ours is @airhawk-project index for supporting authors and investment.
  • Explore other communities with https://peakd.com/communities for all communities on hive
  • Another tips and information a Hive newbie needs can be found by, click here: newbie guide.
    One important aspect to note is Hive is not like your conventional other social media platforms since your contents are monetized . You can't include content that you don't own without sources (plagiarism). For Guildlines, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.
  • Another area you should be aware of to monitize your account is Hive-engie. Hive-Engine is a smart contract platform on top of the Hive blockchain. It allows communities and businesses to build their own tokens, which are then built on top of the technology provided by Hive. This is the ultimate layer 2 solution. The token created on Hive-Engine is then immediately tradable with Hive on hive engine exchange. Learn how to use Hive-engine dex Here
    You can Trade our token !AIRHAWK on tribaldex with the link Here

Hash Tagging on hive : Hashtags is an integral part of social media platforms and web3 project like hive is configure for monitizing hashtag system , serving various purposes and providing several benefits.

Categorization: Hashtags help categorize and organize content. Users can search for specific hashtags and find relevant posts, making it easier to discover content related to their interests there are General hashtags and communities hashtags which are second layer tokens on smart contract built in hive-engine ecosystem. Some popular tags:
#ocd #ecency #neoxian #palnet #gems #alive

#leofinance #proofofbrain #hive-engine #airhawk #splinterland et
If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into our Whatsapp Group Here

You also receive upvote on your content when you stake your coin on hive-engine which benefits you through curation reward when your upvote other authors using our tag #airhawk-project on their content, enjoying support upvote from being a token holder of our token.

You can Check your reward using this link below


Happy blogging.