
halo steemians !
how do you do ?

lemme introduce my self^^, who i'm and what i'm. My name's Delly, i live in aceh-indonesia. i join steemit comonity after my friend (@ibeljr) introduced to me how interesting steemit is. my hobbies are gamming, watch anime, read manga, eating, drawing and traveling.

figure 1 my self
source : owned

i love gamming very much, i played many online games like Ninja Saga, Dragon Nest, Dota 2, Arena Of Valor and Mobile Legend Bang Bang. But because of my busy working with my father in our store, i only can play Ninja Saga and Mobile Legend to kill the time when i feel boring. i'm not really pro, i'm just like average player in ninja saga and mobile legend.

figure 2 my mobile legend acc
source : owned

i play mobile legend with my friends, we build a squad named EFFX. i usually push rank with them, but sometime i did solo rank. this game is very exited me and my friends, this game united us very well while we are not meet each other. i love Germany national football team very much so i put their flag in my mobile legend acc.

figure 3 my ninja saga acc
source : owned

beside i play mobile legend, i also play ninja saga in my facebook acc. im not premium user so i made 3 other facebook acc in order to play ninja like premium user which can recruit each other to raise level.

i also love drawing since a mounth ago, i saw my friend (@akhirr94) drawing so cool so amazing that make me interested in drawing. i practice to draw pictures everyday at home in order to surpass him one day.

first drawing.png
figure 4 drawing of my self
source : owned

right now im still in long way to surpass him in drawing, maybe someday i can surpass him.

thanks for reading and sorry if i made any mistakes in writing this article.

don't forget to follow @ibeljr, @akhirr94, @herdiansyahputra and @arif.maulana^^

see you soon^^.


Hello welcome to steem Delly

Hi.. Welcome to Steemit

please follow me @daverdp..
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