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RE: My Dtube Re-introduction [ If you’re commenting, please include 10 of your Favourite Dtubers ]

in #introduction6 years ago (edited)

@nathanmars this is a wonderful idea. I love the 777 concept too! I want to say something about each of them. I would include @cinema613 but he has not started using DTube as of yet. He is however a new Steemian and one of the best artists I have seen in my life. He is going to start Dtubing very soon and I feel he is one to watch.

My top ten list and in no particular order:

@bethwheatcraft A strong talented woman with a great sense of humor. She is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside! She was the first person I ever commented on when I joined Steemit and I am still enjoying her humorous content to this day!
@hauptmann A gentleman who never fails to impress me with the quality of his videos. He is very motivating and never fails to inspire me.
@harshilpatel A world traveler who defines what it means to be a content creator. There is so much we can all learn from him.
@adetorrent He is a Londoner through and though. Classy, Elegant, and always creating top notch quality content that both inspires and motivates.
@clixmoney He is just so likeable. Always smiling, always creating, and always bringing community together. His content is always fun to see.
@bobaphet This man not only brings quality content but he also helps us to open our minds to ponder other possibilities. A deep thinker. I look up to him very much.
@sergiomendes Sergio is so positive, and so friendly and it shines through in his videos. His content always leaves me smiling, and he brightens my day.
@salmannaqvi My friend Salman is a very dedicated Steemian who is always ready to offer advice and help new Steemians through his videos. He also likes to have fun adventures with his family sometimes as well!
@elsiekjay This lady is so committed to being a content creator. She organized the massive collaboration for dtube's 1st birthday and is always very active on the blockchain. She is a powerhouse of talent and is certainly one to watch. A mover and shaker if you will.
@jeronimorubio This man is so grounded, so sincere, and always comes with a positive message. He is a man who puts his family first, and involves them sometimes too in his videos. He is humble and always ready to lend anyone a helping hand.

That is my list Nathan. I commend you for touching lives around the world. I appreciate what you are doing. This is very motivating as well as inspiring. I hope that some day I too will be able to help many people as well.

Talk Soon,
Mama Kawaii


Thanks a million Mama Kawaii :)

You’re worth following!!!!!!

Oh thank you so very much! You as well. I am going to be honest I think I may have heard of you but until this post I really did not know much about you. I am so glad you made this re-introduction. I am 6 months old and each day I still am discovering new talent. Now I have someone new and interesting to watch.. you! Talk soon Nathan.

WOOOOOW thank you so much @kawaiicrush for your kind words!!! I am very happy to call you one of my most amazing followers. I am sorry that I lag a bit in responding right now. Hope things will go more smooth soon to be able to get back to you more often and interacting on your great content more frequently. Have a great day my dear!

I am just glad to hear that you are ok @hauptmann you had me concerned to say the least. Everything will turn out <3 I am sending you positive vibes my friend! We understand and will be right here when things settle in :)