Introduction Post

in #introduction4 years ago (edited)

According to ancient knowledge, the body changes every moment, cells die and reproduce, we shed hair and skin cells too. Above all growth is a continuous process whereby we continue to evolve and change on a daily basis. Introducing Myself depicts the state of me in this moment, whatever you see is subject to change except my soul, which is eternal. Finally got on hive Blockchain after two tries, seems I was destined to be on and I hope to make new friends and see new places.

Officially known as Lama Queen, three decades ago I was born in Jos, Nigeria to the most amazing family. I grew up to be a cute, peace loving sweetheart who loves arts and books; core interests are media and education. I love to teach, and impart knowledge to younger folks especially in the new world where young people need all the guidance they could get. Development starts with the individual, and extends to the environment.

Looking forward to being relevant to the entire world as I pursue my passion and dedication to the path of knowledge and experience. Young people, the world is yours. Do not let anyone tell you differently. Listen to your soul and never let any thoughts of discouragement prey on you. Believe in yourself and shine your light.


Another interesting part of this piece is that I am a catfish farmer, I just started and the venture is really interesting. I have learnt so much in such a short time and I am proud of myself. Taking proactive steps towards achieving your dreams has to be the best high, even as the step down is fatal, the gratification is to die for. I really admire young people who are resilient dream chasers. No matter how many times we fall, the ability to get back up is what makes us stronger and keeps us going. No one said it would be easy, the bigger picture he risk, the greater the reward.

2020 has been an interesting year which has taught as so much especially with the Covid-19 and it's lockdown saga; this has made the entire world understand those things that matter. As above, so below; what ever you sow, you will reap. Some of my hobbies include: travelling, writing and reading, meeting new people, wall murals and designs, and surfing the internet.

In my next life, I want to be a cat, not necessarily a domestic kitty but a cheetah or a tiger. The cat family are known for their majestic speed and that is something I admire, there's a certain kind of grace attached to being swift and agile.


Duality in the world cannot go unnoticed that is what we have; light and dark, hot and cold, positive and negative, joy and sadness etc. You can always appreciate the good only when you have experienced the bad, just the way you can only perceive beauty when you have seen the ugly. Life is all about balance and both sides of a coin complement each other (head and tail). I am made up of the YingYang and so are you, there's the good in bad and vice versa.

Pardon my brevity in producing very personal information, I'm still learning how to get very personal with people. Self-knowledge is true religion; welcome to my journey of truth.

Don't forget to link up on twitter:

Have a lovely hive time 😅


I'm glad to see you put up an amazing introductory post here.

Welcome to Hive.

You are welcome to the family

Thank you 😊

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Absolutely sweetious.

Welcome Lama. Great to have you here and i do anticipate your amazing writings. A cheetah I see . 🙌🏽

welcome you just got some love from the hivebooth hub family....