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RE: Lucky To Be Alive

in #introduction3 months ago

Sorry I didn't welcome you at the time. It's just that I wanted to write a message without rushing and to be honest... Between so many things, I completely forgot. I'm actively working on improving my memory. I've been given pills in my hand with a glass of water to give to someone else and along the way I've taken the water and the pill. Can you believe it? Good thing it was a painkiller. 😅🤣


About what you say, life imposes challenges, but you have to have a good attitude and everything is solved in one way or another. And I think you have it. I'll keep an eye on you here, although you know, with my memory problems.


Oh no, that's quite alright! There's no expectation from me. No welcome, late welcome: It's all okay. I appreciate you taking the time to craft a friendly message though, that means a lot. I'm humbled. Thank you!

I can absolutely relate to your experience taking the pill. I haven't done that exact thing but there's definitely been times where I've done something reflexively, habitually without thinking and then gone, oh... why? and puzzled away for a little bit. I get side-tracked easily. Good thing it was only a painkiller as you say!

Attitude really is everything, but you've got to be kind to yourself too. We can't be 100% positive all the time and expecting that of ourselves is unrealistic. It does make a huge difference overall, though, if we seek opportunity in the difficulties life throws our way. I'm trying to remember that even during the hardest moments.

Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a wonderful day!

We can't be 100% positive all the time and expecting that of ourselves is unrealistic.

It's true. You can't always, but when you realize you're not, you can try to change that. Because one has to think that negativity only affects oneself in the first place.

I haven't been through what you've been through, not even remotely. But life is beautiful. Tell me what do you think about that? 😉

I think I agree with you, life is beautiful — with all it's ups and downs! 😉 😄

Good night and have a great day tomorrow. Well, here it's time to go to bed. 😇

Here it's 2 in the afternoon. Good night! Sweet dreams! 😄