Hi, it's me, Simonella.

Well, 2020 eh, what an unpredictable ride, speaking as a clipped wing chicken, it's not much of a difference but now I am constrained to my coop with an occasional foray to the outside world with my captor, I mean, human.

Oh, I am Simonella by the way, I am a bit of a cock, trying to work on that to be more humble. Being cooped up, I have quite a bit of time on my feathered claws and being introduced to this other world by @jacuzzi, a fascinating human with gravity defied facial hair or as my human called it, manicured mustache.

Interesting idea of being able to earn some money if people do upvote my post. (Possibly a way for me to start my own coop so I can actually crow about something).

So let's see what this brings, what I can learn from the Hive community and how many hateful comments I will get here.

Follow me into a world of absurdity and total bullshit entertainment.
I like to be an enigma so this is photo of me summed up my feeling about the year 2020.




Welcome rainswashbuckler!
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Thanks, are you the one where they refer to as a bot?

We have semi-automated comments, yes but people watch this official account to offer support, help and welcome new users. So feel free to drop us a comment if you have any questions regarding Ecency and/or Hive.

Ah, thank you clucky.

Lol, Reminds me of Bo Jack Horsman when he is dead floating in the pool.
Welcoem to HIVE! I hope this is first of many great "Lol" Posts and a rewards experence!

Cluck, cluck, thanks for the support, I don't identify myself as a man but appreciate the sentiment;)

Do you know "Bo Jack Horsman" ??? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3398228/
I was saying... it reminds me of when "HE", as in talking about Bo Jack as the pro noun... its dead and flowting in the pool... not you.. I just assumed you were of chicken identiy. 😂 lol

I identified myself as feathered not chicken ;) Well, technically, I am made out of silicon...

Welcome to Hive, my new friend!

Thank you my new friend :)

Haha omg this is gonna be interesting :D
First of I misread your name.... and instead of Simonella I read Salmonella... yeaaa sorry about that :))
Second - Welcome to Hive! :)