Introduction post

in #introductory3 years ago


Hello everyone out there my name is IDOKO JOSEPH ADOYI from Nigeria ,am a content creator and I love the crypto industry and how the various project solve real world problems am an Agricurist by profession and i'm glad to dive into many area of human endeavors to learn and improve myself .

I have known hive for quick some time now using 3speak but I have not really explore the blogging interface till now and since uptrennd was sold out many trenndian moved to hive so I decided to come as well seeing that I have work there successfully and I am really glad to be part of hive and I look forward to have the best experience ,I love meeting and interacting with new people and look forward to make new lasting friends here too.


Yay! 🤗
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Heellooo @kingshine, very nice to Hive you here, hehe.

I've been on Hive for quite a long time now, but publishing from time to time only, and Jeff Kirdeikis' treason is leading me to reorient my publishing priorities too :-)

I'll read you in the coming weeks!

Welcome to hive @kingshine ! this is @macchiata from the @ocd team.Congratulations for making your introductory post. Have fun exploring hive communities and don't forget to subscribe to any communities that you like.

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