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RE: On Investment Risk & Investor Psychology

in #investing5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your detailed comment @petertowers, but I think you missed the point I was trying to make.

In no way, shape, or form am I trying to say that NOW is the time to buy whatsoever.

My point is that every investor needs to pay special attention to the way they feel about investing and learn to almost do the opposite of what it is that they feel. Our physiological responses (and that’s what emotions are) were fashioned with the intention that we NOT think about them, but that is EXACTLY what we need to do.

In the end, I realize that that is super meta and not exactly useful on a superficial level, but if you dig a bit deeper hopefully you’ll see the point. A lot of people say to “remove all emotion from investing” but what I’m trying to say is more like “especially consider the anti-emotion when investing.”

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