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RE: These Silver Buyers Are Staying Resolute!

in #investing5 years ago (edited)

Good Afternoon Folks,

  It is 11:30 pst and I am now looking at the numbers for September Silver and it’s deliveries. The final day for physical purchases is Monday, before the Comex close (10:25 am pst). Today’s Volume is now at 94 with the Open Interest still at 18. The trading range for these purchases (even though some of these might be spread exits) is $17.91 and $17.85 with the last trade at $17.90 on a 3 lot purchase. Is someone buying because there is a reason or purpose? Is this a response to the exercised Call Options in October? Wish I had answers too, regardless I’m still curious about the tomorrows, how about you?

Stay Resolute!
J. Johnson