Planning a HSBI Give away

We are building our portfolio not only on Blurt but also on Hive. We write posts on Hive too but we do not get many votes there. That's perfectly fine as we intend to invest in projects that will give us a long-term income. We do not wish to stop this project anytime soon so it is a long-term aim that we will make sure to take it to a great place.


We have some liquid Hive and we thought of starting a giveaway where we giveaway 1 Hive based Income unit worth 1 Hive to anyone who wins our giveaway.

Hive price is ranging between 0.3 to 0.4 usd and it is a significant amount of money for a giveaway.


By this time tomorrow we will publish a post announcing the giveaway and how to participate in it.

The winner will be selected based on the criteria that we will publish in tomorrow's post.

We love passive income and this is a way we want to gift out users with some lifetime rewards.

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