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RE: From triggering the dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ buy alert, Bitcoin (BTC) has seen a staggering growth of no less than x 19.49 to the current price of $8,809.74. Remains bullish. Target remains set at +$1,000,000..!!

in #investors-group6 years ago

In the near future bitcoin will reach $1000000 which is not a unthinkable goal as we can see the pace at which the bitcoin is going and flowing in the veins of the market. People are understanding its imporance and potential which surpasses any of the crypto currency. Steemit also seems be flourishing and its potential is being realized too. People are starting to rebel against the the government currency very slowly but soon enough it will boom.
Bitcoin has found its apllication in many of the places and websites with unthinkable potential and use in every people interest will keep on peaking.thanks for the post and yes the goal is reachable and we are hoping for it.