For those that may have missed the memo, I am sticking to a Target Price for Bitcoin at a minimum of $1,000,000.

Cryptocurrency News: #Investors-Group

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Target Price for Bitcoin

For those that may have missed the memo, I am sticking to a Target Price for #Bitcoin at a minimum of $1,000,000..!!

A Long Term BULLISH recommendation on #Bitcoin remains.

Thanks again for reading.


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#steemtalent Promo-Steem Investors-Group Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem


Please note that the above information is for educational purpose only and is not to be taken as investment advice. Other Cryptocurrencies are available.


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I believe that bitcoin will easily hit $10,000,000 and keep going up.

However, sometime after a million dollar bitcoin, The US$ will start degrading fast enough to see. and so, the dollar price of bitcoin will not be something very useful.

I would start developing plans on what, specifically, you want to trade your bitcoin for.

Do you really believe that? Not in a sarcastic way, but I've read some of your comments you seem quite educated on steem and cryptos in general. Most of your comments are very level headed, id love to know how you see it playing out. When do you see bitcoin returning to its highest price?

I have a genuine belief in cryptos and blockchain and hope they bounce back, but it's hard to get people to support and understand when the market is so volatile and is constantly being flipped on its head.

Basically give up everything you know. Start doing it now, so you have time to adjust.

"How did you go bankrupt? Slowly at first, and then all at once."

Both the good guys and the bad guys are pushing for the end of the dollar. It will happen. The dominoes are already falling.

Both the good guys and the bad guys are pushing for digital money. So, it will also happen. We are seeing a huge investment of resources into moving into a block-chain world.

So, at some point these things are going to cross. The US$ will fall of a cliff. And crypto-currencies will be adopted.


The road there is not smooth.
Clif High talks about this quite often, and i like his words.
We are not heading for a financial collapse. We are heading towards a financial turbulance, or a shakeup of the whole system.

The US$ collapses, and the FED, as they have done before, tries to reissue a new currency, that will fail, then they will try again, and fail... and then something succeeds.

In the future, we will have 5 continental currencies.
Which is a good thing, as long as it is not controlled by people who are skimming off of, and controlling to the detriment of everyone using them. And, the road there is rough.

So, as i said, we will see $1,000,000 bitcoin. Everything has already been put into place for that to happen. It is all but inevitable.

However, within the next 10 years, we will see many places degrade to barter.
We will see Kalifornians mining/panning for gold to buy food.
So, although a single bitcoin will be worth a kings ransom, there will be no trading it for convenient The US dollars.

Dang that’s a bullish prediction but I think we would all love for this to be true one day !! 🤞🏽

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I do not believe this is a bullish prediction.

We don't even have a market yet, to have bulls and bears. We aren't even in the early adopter phase.
What we are betting on is smart-phones while everyone is gaga over the razor (flip phone)

Any real adoption will send bitcoin over $1,000,000

The only question is whether this money movement will kill the dollar as people stampeded for the exit.

You seem to have a pretty good understanding of crypto, in general. Do you not think some other notable alts will take over the cryptoverse and surpass BTC in the future ? BTC is obviously leading the charge for now, but wrapping my head around 1 or even 10 mil is quite difficult to fathom, at least for right now

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Basically bitcoin will be used to settle debts between nations.
Kinda hard to make change when a satoshi is worth $1 and transactions fees are $100.

So, other coins will be used as money.

BCH will either be one of them or die. Hard to tell with the BSV kerfuffle. But, it is being set up to be a means of exchange. It will be worth a lot.

LTC is my favorite for buying things with in the future. Basically, they already did what BCH is doing now, and they didn't fork, the started anew, so all of those BTC that were tied up in a few accounts won't have the possibility of reemerging and messing up the price. LTC is working very hard at getting POS into stores.

DGB is my next favorite.

Then there is utility tokens. They will do the best, if they do what they set out to do.
Veritaseum will probably equal BTC prices, if they actually take over some exchanges. They are tokenizing stock markets and such.
NEO is making headway into worker payment. If they get there, it will be the platform that most workers get paid through.
Dent... If they ever get any of the bigger cell phone carriers, then the minute swapping will be huge.

Remember, do not bet the house.
Bet only what you can afford to lose.

Shared on twitter. Stephen

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For those that may have missed the memo, I am sticking to a Target Price for #Bitcoin at a minimum of $1,000,000. #steem #steemit

#BTC #investing #investment #investors


I used to think that, but now I think the dozens of cryptocurrencies similar to bitcoin have seriously devalued all surviving coins.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Interesting. Thanks for the insights. I like DGB as well and currently hodl. I like some of there recent announcements— good news for us hodling

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