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RE: Iran is not the enemy

in #iran6 years ago

Very eye-opening video, thank you.

And as a European I have to say: USA imposing wars in the Middle East would again be a disaster for Europe as well as for Iran of course. More and more migrants would be coming to Europe. Some real refugees, many of them not. European nations economy and culture can't handle it anymore. These things have a huge impact...

I like Trump though. I only wish he would be able to follow his own guidelines of not meddling in the Middle East.


thanks for your comment. with social medias the power of propaganda has is the good thing we have to cherish 👍

I can't put canada and EU with Trump's US in a basket!
Obama had closer ideology to socialists I believe
thanks for your comment.
btw, do you see Iran as the number one enemy to the world?

by no measures I can call Iran a FREE nation, but it doesn't answer my question: is Iran the no.1 enemy of the world?

Why do I think U.S is meddling in the middle east? Money and influence. Putin? Oh come on. I do understand that Russia has similar desires in the middle east (money and influence). Both USA and Russia should leave middle east alone, although that's not gonna happen. But atleast after Afghanistan it's not Russia that has imposed most wars in middle east. That place is a mess, with all those islamist groups competing with each other. What these nations in the middle east need is secular governments and stable economy. And the Saudi influence should also decrease.

I'm not doubting what you say about Russia and Putin channeling money for himself. I do know Russian history well enough to know what happened after the collapse of Soviet Union. (By the way, the rise of Russian mafia during the 90s is very interesting topic). But you do still understand the harm that US interventions have brought to middle east? Overthrowing dictators just to prolong the ongoing profitable situation. Funding the terrorist groups. And all that because of Russia?

Everything about Russia and its economy seems to be linked to gas. (English term "sweet gas" was new for me). In the middle east and in Ukraine for example (European dependency of Russian gas, US intervention there and so on...) And everything about USA seems to be linked to oil.

But I don't think that Russia could be a real threat for US, not economically not militarily. These two are in the whole different league. Russia is not a superpower, like USSR was. But of course Russia has financial interests in the area.

It takes two to play this game... I don't think that everything has something to do with only Putin...