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RE: Time for the politicians to come begging.

in #ireland25 days ago

We have elections in 3 weeks time and the locals are seeing through the lies, but they will still be voted back in. Immigration for you guys needs to be sorted sharpish before it is too late or their will be trouble ahead. Too much woke shit going on all over.


The problem is that they are all the same.
I would love to vote for the good ones but they are few and far between. Same in every country.

Things have changed a lot here in the past few years and not for the better. Too many people taking advantage of the system so things need to change fast before it goes too far.

Unfortunately they are only their to take advantage of the system. This has gone way too far and the people need to save their country now by voting in independents who can fix this. This will become a religious problem if left alone.