MASSIVE: Kissinger Issues Chilling Warning To America

in #irs2 years ago (edited)

Video on Odysee

This video gives you a real look at what's happening between the East and West and what's behind Kissinger's chilling warning.

—Pngtree—chinese brush style black lines_6015258.png

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The shirts are great. "Make new friends." Ha! Not sure why your posts keep getting downvoted. I appreciate the news you share.

I am also a tax-payer and I know that my payments go to feeding the Syrian immigrants.

IRS taxes on PayPal? Yowzers... Thanks for sharing the news with us in one place. I enjoy listening to your videos. 10 months to investigate Alec Baldwin. SMH.

When I find myself agreeing with Henry you know how much things have taken a nose dive.

The government needs money to wage war everywhere. Where will the money come from? Will they tax all they can think of?

I can't understand it. All this money paid for a post of a video posted on YouTube and a lot of sponsorship at the finale with lots of de referrals?

Then of Henry Kissinger I remember his implementation (not exactly brilliant actually) during the Vietnam War, going almost daily back and forth to calm the American public with nonsense lies like the end of the war.

Obviously as a good nationalized national hates communism and everything near it. She looks like a caricature of Berlusconi. Or, the other way around.

"There is something rotten in Denmark," and so Hive started to take a different turn. Yay for whales!!!

Mr. Chaos himself, double agent Maxwell Smart...LOL...the programming is incredible and Mr. Hedges should not choose to follow the path of this society. The rural more independent life will soon be the only way to truly thrive and connect with God.

I say vote with my money, buying Bitcoin and Monero, and giving them the bird. #Taxationistheft