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RE: Stop Oppressing Your Neighbor!

in #irs3 years ago

Wow. Beautiful. Great to see you posting again, too.
Seeing those cops in Calgary trying to interrupt Easter Sunday, just demonstrates the religious nature of statism. The state is a jealous god.


Hey there, old friend!

Posting has been very spotty... I've sadly been whipsawed by my frustration with the entire Covid fake-demic nonsense. Yah, I was delighted to see the minister shame those "cops" in that remarkable video... What a great example of leadership!

So, despite all of this, lots of positive things happening in my life; retirement, travel plans, reading through the New Testament in Greek (a work in progress with exciting almost daily epiphanies that I intend to write more about here)...

Now I have to visit your blog and catch up with what's been going on with you! Thank you so much for stopping by with your kind and encouraging comments! :) <3