It seems that for a lot of people, Nazis are the worst people in the world until they're actually targeting Jews. That's odd.

in #israel3 years ago


I doubt that anybody would find it controversial for me to say that, when the National Socialist Party of America was pushing to get permission to march on Skokie, the primary reason for that they wanted to spout their Jew hate in an area with a large Jewish population. That wasn't a protest of Israeli policies. It was an attack on Jews.

The marches which often devolved into violence in the Diamond District in New York this year were blatant displays of hatred toward Jews. If you want to protest American support for Israel or her policies, it would make more sense to protest in front of Congress. No, they picked the Diamond District because they knew that there would be a Jew around to harass. I also noticed nearly nobody who are insistent that they're just critical of Israel said nothing about what happened in the Diamond District. Even most politicians on the hard Left remained either silent or mostly silent.

If you dare to look at yourself and many of the public figures who many of you like or admire, a lot of you are going to see that the rhetoric you use and the arguments that you make probably come from bias against Jews.

Just think about what AOC was really saying when she attacked Biden for saying that Israel has a right to defend herself. The translation is that "Jews should let themselves be killed." That's what you're defending when you defend her.

"Israel is an apartheid state." That's a doozy. There are two million Arabs in a nation of just more than eight million. They serve in high levels of government. If silence is violence, I've gotta wonder why people are tossing around the word "apartheid" in relation to Israel while your silence is deafening in regard to ethnic "purifications" and religious oppression in nearby nations. There are fewer than a hundred Jews left in nations like Jordan.

"Israel is stolen land." Well, logically, if it's stolen land, we should dissolve it and give the land back to the rightful owners; so, you're basically calling for the abolition of the only Jewish nation in the world. Of course, how are you defining it? If we're going by who was there first, the Jews beat the Muslims by a couple thousand years. Neither the Jews nor the Muslims left the region during Western occupation. The only way that Israel is stolen land is if you believe that the dividing of the land was illegitimate because the Jews wouldn't agree to the Palestinian terms, which were basically, "No, we get everything and you get nothing." In that case, it would have been a Palestinian land grab from the local Jews which I doubt would have gone well for the Jews. Somehow, I assume a lot of you would be silent if that happened.

Can you take a moment and examine why you're so pissed off at Israel and not, say, Egypt? The Coptic Christians were there six hundred years before the founding of Islam and the Coptic Christians are legitimately oppressed and being murdered.

But, bottom line, I have to wonder about all of your virtue signalling and "Nazi punching" rhetoric and all of your talk about racist dog whistles while you're taking the side of people who aren't speaking in dog whistles about wanting a new Holocaust or denying the Holocaust happened and saying that they'll make it happen.


TLDR freedom of expression is bad, whataboutism, Israel are doing nothing wrong fin.