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RE: Debunking some delusions about Israel and Gaza

in #israel4 months ago

No one is keeping Gaza residents acting like this. It's for pay. If you throw rocks and get shot you get paid. There's an entire economy behind these criminals.

Same with the attacks of Israeli people and police. By criminals from Gaza.

Israelis don't go to Gaza and murder kill and rape. If the Gaza terrorists put down their weapons there would be peace. If israel does there is slaughter.

I'm not going to condone Gaza crimes against humanity. I'm not going to support Gaza. No sympathy for them. No empathy.

India still has the war crimes on its hands.

Oh infact I was offered a merc job to go to that. The entire group ended up getting war crimes charges and ended up in prison. Got life I do believe...

Israel? Calls before strikes to evacuate civilians.

Gaza? Ambushed people and rapes. Kidnapped babies? Sexual torture of the women? Executions...

Terrorists deserve to be hunted by Israel. No safe harbors for them.


I don't understand your comments about India in response to my Tamil Tigers example. This was in Sri Lanka, not India.

Do you not understand what happened there with the Indian army and foreign mercenaries?

That would be a huge lack of knowledge on your part.

I'll check it out.

Billed as a civil war it was the Indian army that committed war crimes. Along with international aid workers.

Clear evidence of war crimes. No prosecutions. Massive India coverup.