
Well, that's certainly a window onto Donnelly's personality. He responds in a crude manner to a post beginning "To All" as if it were all about him.

The following is to Donnelly. I'm not trying to shove anything down your throat. I wasn't addressing you at all. I wanted to make it clear TO OTHERS that The GGC Recovery Team and Terence Gillespie have already done an investigation of Berwick, con man Johnson and GGC, that we have made our information public, that anyone can read the documents and eye witness accounts at and that if one doesn't read this easily accessible information then one should not advertise an opinion--hence the shut up admonishment. Don't you think it wise advice, to hold back on an opinion while ignorant?

Trying to silence you? What an utterly ridiculous accusation. My goals were obvious as stated above.
Are you truly that afraid of one post from a little old lady in pantuflas? Exactly how did I try to silence you? Did I block your access to the internet? Did I magically delete anything you've posted? (That has happened to me, btw, on another forum. What do they have to hide?) Did I sneak into your house and smother you with a pillow?

Or did you have an ulterior motive with your crude and nonsensical response? (<-- Rhetorical question.)