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RE: The Rise Of The ZEV's

in #jobs4 years ago

It can definitely help to have the knowledge and learning about economics and deflation, I just think that being the "smart" one is the option for those who have access to education. There are so many people who don't get the option, they just know job/work = money = living. We'd need massive education I'm just wondering how we scale that kind of education with so much misinformation and governments and financial institutions actively campaigning against blockchain, sadly people still believe these tossers


It's a mindset change that's lacking and when all you've done your life is follow instructions from school to doing a job and being told what to do, thinking for yourself seems to be "against the grain". In a world where you have so much knowledge at your fingertips with the internet (granted there's a lot of scams also), lack of education doesn't seem to be a valid excuse and life is an education in its own right.

So I think "sadly, people still believe these tossers" is the situation that will always remain so long as people don't start thinking for themselves.

I have to agree I think you have to make it “real” for them so say Nicky is now a crypto millionaire then they’ll want to learn and be interested! Crypto has already made a few millionaires but as the success stories continue that’s what i think will get their attention it sucks but consumerism is the bridge I guess!

Dangle the carrot hey. Think we missed the whole "overnight millionaire" phenomenon from a few years back but hopefully there'll be a bull run this year or next and we can be like, "sup bitches" haha 😎