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RE: I suck at making logos. Please help!

in #jobslast year

the rect logo looks better, but it might be bit squished...

Screenshot from 2022-12-20 16-18-40.png

see it looks better now, but the square logo is squished too close to the text in linux image viewer, but in brave and firefox the image looks perfect.

no png's needed. payment of 30 HIVE has been sent.
thank you again!! :)


Many thanks for payment.

I have updated the IPFS link, with all the logos separate and png too, if you need it anyway.
You can download it again, if you need it.

Not all viewers are perfect for svg files, because svg has many informations on it, in the style of web, xml, but, all the modern browsers, like Brave, read it perfect.

But, you can use Geeqie image viewer on Linux, it read perfect svg files.

I'm too on Linux, Arch - ArcoLinuxB KDE, by the way ;)

If you need some other help, i'm here for you.

Oh awesome! I downloaded it again so that I have them.
Thanx again!!!! :)