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RE: Who Are You Going to Call When You've Got Trouble?

in #jokes4 years ago

The stark reality is that policing is utterly contrary to human rights, and simply cannot coexist with a free society. When it began to be imposed in the USA starting after the Civil War, crime began to rise dramatically, because people formerly necessarily taking responsibility for their security fell into lacksadaisacal dependence on the 'professionals'. Since police can only respond after a crime, the fact is that police do not actually protect people from criminals.

Combined with the expectation that they do, this leaves uncomprehending folks utterly defenseless, which promotes agitation to take away their ability to defend themselves further, and encourages ever greater criminal activity because the pool of defenseless victims grows.

My solution is simple, and results from my youth where police services were minimal and folks necessarily secured their persons and possessions in a world that was the far greater threat than criminal acts. Alaska is a tough place, and only where cities avail the seductive illusion of police does crime ever rise to modern levels, in places like Anchorage and Juneau.

Villages mostly just automatically handle their business, and kids tend to grow up that way. There's not much worse insult where I grew up than copcaller.

I don't call the cops. I surround myself with functional community, and that's pretty much the end of the matter, except for petty crime or the occasional case of dementia/alcoholic blackout. Lesser sanctions imposed by the community tend to discourage the petty, generally youthful and misparented, criminals, and competent defense the deranged and violent.

Cops cause crime. Despite the threat of sophisticated gangs funded by banksters, I remain convinced that free society can only exist when it's members provide themselves their security, as that absolutely precludes the oppression and tyranny that necessarily comes with 'professional' police.

Fortunately, the psychopaths that obsessively accumulate money to the exclusion of all other interests are therefore incompetent to undertake their derangement effectively against free society. As decentralization of means of production proceed at the cutting edge of technological advance going forward, the flow of parasitized wealth to that ilk will decrease at an ever increasing rate, and we'll eventually reduce the parasites to irrelevance and equality economically with we normally socialized folks they view as cattle.

Dump cops, and replace centralized vectors empowering overlords with distributed means of production, and professional criminals will be obsolete. Freedom is the cure, and prosperity is the fruit of freedom. Let that be the legacy we leave for our posterity, so they can gain the stars themselves as their possession.

Let my people go!


Nicely laid out argument.

And you didn't even bring up the statistics of what cops actually do, such as

  • Last year, police officers stole more money than burglars.
  • The statistics of getting back your stolen car are abysmal.
  • 50% of homicides aren't even investigated.