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RE: On Fake News: Has there ever been Real News?

in #journalism5 years ago

News outlets in the past did a pretty good job of keeping opinion separate from the "news", reporting only the facts and leaving it up to the viewer/reader to form their own opinion.
Nowadays that kind of "just the facts Ma'am" reporting is gone...every news outlet has made it clear which side of the "fence" they are on, and gleefully tell their viewers/readers that they are unbiased, but you should probably see things their way if you are smart.
In the past, you could turn on the news and see "truth", forget it!
"Real news" should be "just the facts ma'am".


Thanks for your opinion. I really am somewhat uninformed as I refuse to watch any news through any major media outlets... i don't watch that horseshit. I use independent sites, my preferred in general is