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RE: "IFC S1: R37 - Entry" The Three Little Redfish

in #justbecause6 years ago

I'm so glad @apolymask asked me to guest judge this round @bashadow because it allowed me the pleasure of reading a brilliantly written and extremely under valued piece of writing on the steem blockchain. Your efforts deserve far more than your rewards for this post my friend and there's a valuable lesson contained within your imaginative rewriting of this fairy tale classic that I truly wish more of the community had the chance to read. I'm sorry I didn't have the pleasure of reading this during the seven day window as I would have liked the opportunity to resteem it.

But I have chosen you as my pick for the winner of round 37 of the IFC. :)I haven't seen the leaderboard at all so have no idea where you stand but I wish you the best of luck in this round and the Championship overall.

Have a great day my friend! :)


Thank you for your kind words. it was fun to write, a little hard, but that's what this contest has been from day one, think outside of the box, and move out of the comfort zone. It has been fun.