Friends - Info for kids

in #kidslast year (edited)

Being a friend to someone is about more than just having fun together.


It's about showing up for them, listening to them, being supportive, and having their back when no one else does. It's about being a person they can rely on even when times are hard. It's about investing in their emotional wellbeing and encouraging them to reach their highest potential.

Having someone who accepts you for who you are is incredibly important. It allows you to be your true self without judgement or pressure to be someone you're not. It's a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged or misunderstood. It's a place to be vulnerable and share your deepest secrets.

Having someone who cares about you can be a huge source of comfort and security. It's knowing that no matter what you go through, you have someone who will be there with you, offering unconditional love and understanding. It's a reminder that you are never alone and that you are worthy of love, acceptance, and support.

To have a good friend, you must also be a good friend. This means showing up for the other person in times of need, being honest and open with them, being there to listen, offering support and advice where needed, and being loyal and trustworthy. It's about being by their side, through thick and thin, and celebrating with them in times of joy. It's about being a positive influence in their life and doing your best to help them become the best version of themselves.