Knowledge, oh knowledge! A Poetry worth understanding in life !!!

in #knowledgelast year (edited)


Knowledge, oh knowledge!

Knowledge, oh knowledge, a treasure untold
A wealth that never diminishes or grows old

Knowledge is a treasure, rare and fine
A gem that sparkles, like stars that shine

It lights the path that we must take
And guides us through each choice we make

It's power that none can take away
A gift that grows with each passing day

It opens doors to worlds unknown
And helps us build a life we've sown

In books and teachers we find the key
To unlock secrets and mysteries

To understand the past and future alike
And in its depths, our soul takes flight

Knowledge is a precious boon
That takes us from night to noon

It shapes our thoughts and destiny
And in its light, we truly see

So let us seek it with all our heart
And let its wisdom never depart

It enlightens the mind, and sets it free
A powerful tool for all who seek to see

It reveals the secrets of our universe
The laws that govern, the way things traverse

It teaches us how to create and build
To shape our world, and dreams fulfilled

In the pages of books, and the minds of great minds
We find knowledge that forever binds

The wisdom of ages, and the thoughts of today
Guiding us along life's winding way

Knowledge is the light that brightens the path
Illuminating the future, dispelling the wrath

It's the key to unlocking doors unknown
And in its depths, our seeds of greatness are sown

So seek it with vigor, and a hunger so bold
And let its brilliance shine like precious gold

For with knowledge, we can conquer all
And rise up to stand tall

For in its depth and breadth we find
The true meaning of humankind

Thank You!


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