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RE: The Importance of Knowing a Little Bit About Everything

in #knowledge7 years ago (edited)


Couldn't agree more with "
In our time and age, that extra "expertise" in your major is useless (unless you really like what you do). Most found about this the hard way, as soon as they finished a degree and got a job. College knowledge becomes irrelevant in a real world company. Heck, In less that 2 years everything you will learn becomes obsolete. "

I just had a conversation about this with my friend, we've come to the conclusion that a college degree only matters for the very first entry level job you apply to. Even then, candidates are asked far more about their practical experience (albeit minimal at that time, most often via internships) than any of their coursework at university.

Most likely if you skipped college but were able to do some free intern/apprenticeship type work in the field of your choice - or just go out and be entrepreneurial on your own, that would far outweigh any college course experience - both in your potential employer's eyes, and in regards to building practical life /work skills in general.