in #knowledge6 years ago

Knowledge is not what is memorized. Knowledge is what benefits.
Many of the PhD holders today are practical ignorants in their own field. We obtain knowledge to make life simple for ourselves and people around us. Our behavior is what should count. A great man of Africa once said that the educated minority in Africa should serve the uneducated majority with high spirit of patriotism. It is common in Africa for politicians to cheat and care-less about the ordinary man. They forgot that politics and for that matter democracy, is about caring for the ordinary man. Where is your education if you are a corrupted government official?
In school we learn that corruption is a hindrance to a nation's development, but why are we corrupted. Education is not all about getting a degree or a PhD. It is not all about knowledge, but your attitude. Knowledge should come with positive attitude.

When you are knowledgeable and you have no good manners, you are a danger to society. You will treat people with sheer behavioural insult at your work place.
Corruption is a multiheaded animal, let's fight corruption for our nation to grow. Say no to taking bribes and cheating people at our work places. Let us be true to our people and not cheat them when they seek our services.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment