
Don't be. It won't help you mine more :)

Around 800 € several years ago. Intel i7 with 32 GB of RAM. I first bought it because I wanted to run several virtual machines with various blockchain nodes.


Now, I feel you might be jealous of me. I paid between a quarter and a third for that. Depending on what exchange rate you would use. :)

If you cheap out like I do, you don't feel so much sting at the beginning, but you have to accept that you are not going to be able to use some applications. Right now, I have earned about $500 CAD worth in jobs where I used this computer to produce something and that value doesn't include money earned where this computer was used to find job opportunities.

I definitely am missing out for not buying more computer, but in the same amount of time the price of BTC has doubled. So, I lost about $300 CAD worth by not just holding BTC in the same time period. I guess I should just hang on to this one for a couple of more years.

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