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RE: @AdamKokesh, @BenFarmer: Alleged Attempts to Hack, Dox, Harass and Stalk me, using a Professional Cyber Security Expert.

in #kokesh6 years ago

I maintain that the called for changes can only come from those who distance themselves from all forms of real world violence and implied violence. If Adam had nothing to do with this and it was only his assistant's actions Adam must immediately fire him, but I feel that it is likely the culture involved is shared among them both.


This is what the hacker told me was going to be done to me:

“Our goals would have been to cause you personal, financial, and interpersonal pain and loss.
Tactics are based on several premises.
1. Social judgments are premature and are based on impressions.
2. Truthful data will validate questionable data.
3. Metadata when combined from multiple public realms give access or capability to gain private data.
4. The privacy of one's family is often not a precise cluster but a bell curve indicating a lot of multilateral attack vectors.
5. Support systems are fragile economies and interpersonal support systems have strings attached
6. Escape requires giving up everything
Strategies progressively follow a 5 step course
1) data mining from public and private sources including but not limited to financial data, professional data, social data, family data, nontraditional metadata, darknet data, stolen data,
2) reputation manipulation through cloning of personalities, dessimination of misinformation, character assassination,
3) redaction of control through gaslighting, penetration into your systems, access to your interpersonal relationships, digital kidnapping,
4) adding pressure to your life through false challenges to your life processes, disruption of your family's sense of security, induced depression, and career sabatage
5) maximum damage through personality manipulation, undeterred threats of violence, induced self violence, induced violence to others, loss of job, family, money, influence, power, prestige, reputation, values, and any other accessible form of loss.”

I am highly surprised that such actions would be admitted to publicly by someone offering traded services since I am fairly sure that, at least in Britain, numerous of these would be classed as either serious offenses or would be able to be framed as such in the correct context. Emotional harassment springs to mind as a minimum.

I have seen this done to others who dissent from the narrative that certain groups wish to maintain publicly - it is not pretty, but at the same time there is only so much that can be done if those involved are aware of the situation and have taken steps already to ensure they are non dependent on others and prevailing top-down control hierarchies (i.e. are self determined and self reliant). All that said, the last points sound fairly extreme to the point of being militarised levels of attack which suggest those involved to be psychopathic and deranged - so who knows how far they might go.

Right. They were not admitted to publicly.

When I said 'publicly' I was including admitting to the potential victim, since they are especially likely to go public.
I suggest considering that this is a form of social engineering, exploiting you and designed to make Adam look bad - but I don't know for sure.

Have you read the entire story?

Yes - I am just going from the evidence presented, I am aware that you say that you have other evidence that is not being presented, but obviously I can't comment based on that.

When discussing agendas of outright unscrupulous deception and denial, it is essential to look where you are being prompted not to look.

Right, but I am not being prompted to look anywhere, really. If it is an elaborate trap, it is one so elaborate as to trap the creator it would seem. I think maybe you have missed the premise/situation.

However, I see your point, and must keep that possibility in mind.