Starbucks Table at 7 PM in Busan

in #korea4 years ago

In front to the left. Older woman in black turtleneck and jacket. earbuds in, glasses and looking at her cell phone. In front and to the right younger woman in white fleece. Typing on white laptop covered in stickers. Keeps touching her hair, pink tumbler. Next to her big guy in dark wool vest and white dress shirt. Looking at cell phone with earbuds in. Short haircut and looks like a high school student. Next to me, two girls in their very early 20's, books open to study but giggling together over a cell phone. Could be instagram.

Music and light at nice low levels, a semi sweet perfumy smell. My coffee cup is empty and it is time to go, as I type this with taped and sore fingers from climbing today. it is now 7:03.