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RE: #lastword: Unleash Your Inner Troll!

in #lastword4 years ago

I've noted your repeated aversion to make an honest response regarding what would happen if a worker gets hurt in a free market. Is it because you are so spineless, so weak of fortitude that discussion regarding something so viscerally difficult to acknowledge from your enclave of magical thinking sends you to make only sneering remarks as if you, a faceless nobody who's apparent fear of having a profile picture of themselves and anything truly personal about themselves in a social media site, knows me at all let alone my inclinations?
How about we take it back to the lunacy you subscribe to:

What's the difference between capitalism and corporatism? crickets crickets

What protections do workers have from exploitation under capitalism that they don't have elsewhere?

A republic which respected the idea of private property by devoting an entire adjudication process to resolve disputes over said private property was actually disguised Communism, as you think the Roman Empire was.

I'll let the silence speak or lets see how deep you want to make this hole you put yourself in, you idiot.


how about you just start informing yourself?

that's not my job - got enough to do.

wish you great success and a future with less crying, insulting and stress :)