Real Pedophiles Don't Lust After Teenage Temptresses

in #law11 months ago (edited)
Authored by @Spaceship Captain

Most Teenage Girls Are Well Beyond The Crayons-And-Playground Phase Of Their Life

1. Introduction

A genuinely dangerous and predatory pedophile preys on innocents in the prepubescent age range. They don't go crashing raves to sneak off with a teenage party girl. Otherwise, they wouldn't be pedophiles. However, there continues to be stupid people out there here in the English-speaking world who believe that pedophiles are adult men who prefer to mirror the sexual habits of adolescent boys.

Where all of this stupidity originated from remains somewhat of a mystery. Back when I was a teenager, teenagers were teenagers and little children were little children. The two age groups never cross-pollinated with each other until after all these self-proclaimed child advocates began to come out of the woodwork after John Walsh co-founded the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 1984.

Not too long ago I was surfing around on YouTube, and I came across this one video by a British YouTuber who goes by the user name of Moon. Within the first minute of the video, YouTuber Moon insisted that TikTok incentivizes teenage girls to engage in burlesque-like dances in the viewing pleasure of "sex-craved teenage boys and literal pedos."

Now, wait one minute there, YouTuber Moon. If you're reading this article here of mine, I've got a multitude of things I would like to say to you to set you straight on this topic. You don't get to modify the definitions of "pedophile" and "pedophilia" at your convenience to deliver your narrative in your video. First, everyone needs to watch the above-described video below to catch my drift.

Real Pedophiles Don't Lust After Teenage Temptresses On TikTok

YouTuber Moon completely scraps whatever credibility he has by insisting that a sex-craved teenage boy who continues to lust after teenage temptresses on TikTok will eventually change into a pedophile by a certain age if he hasn't "outgrown" his sexual attraction to adolescent girls in that respect, so to speak. What utter nonsense!

I notice that the alleged "pedophile" in YouTuber Moon's video looks like the actor Jim Carrey. That is a recipe for a defamation lawsuit against YouTuber Moon. Not only is YouTuber Moon misdefining the clinical term "pedophile," but he's implying that a celebrity is one when he has no definitive proof of it. (*Note - I only use the clinical term "pedophile" in quotations with sarcasm rather than giving it credence.)

In any event, as I emphasize over and over again, real pedophiles don't lust after teenage temptresses. Real pedophiles prey on innocents who are still in the crayons-and-playground phase of their life instead. Jim Carrey isn't even a real pedophile.

A real pedophile is not going to gawk at a bunch of suggestively-dressed teenage girls on TikTok and decide which one of them has the biggest bust line. No! A real pedophile will be spending all his time viewing videos of women giving their little kids a bath, so that he can get his rocks off. Otherwise, he's not a real pedophile.

It really irks me when YouTubers like YouTuber Moon take writer's license with the definitions of the clinical terms "pedophile" and "pedophilia" only to sensationalize their own videos in a deceptive manner. In reality, YouTuber Moon is misinforming the public aside from slandering Mr. Carrey.

Then again, I guess I have to cut YouTuber Moon some slack in view of his inability to define the clinical terms "pedophile" and "pedophilia" correctly, because, after all, he is British. The United Kingdom has an illiteracy rate of 16 percent, which is 2 percent higher than that of the United States of America. Therefore, I guess I shouldn't expect him to get the definitions of these clinical terms right.

And no. I am not accusing all British people of being stupid. In fact, I can agree that some of the most highly intelligent people hail from the United Kingdom. For example, the late Stephen Hawking. However, YouTuber Moon is not one of them.

Anyone who looks up the definition of pedophilia in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5") will clearly be able to see that sex-craved teenage boys and real pedophiles do not have identical viewing pleasures. That is, of course, unless a sex-craved teenage boy is into viewing lewd pictures and videos of prepubescent children.

Movie producer Jan-Willem Breure warned the world about YouTuber Moon's upside-down way of thinking in his movie titled Are All Men Pedophiles? You can watch that movie in its entirety below.

The Documentary Film Titled "Are All Men Pedophiles?" By Jan-Willem Breure

Nevertheless, you only need to view the clip of Inside Edition below to realize that teenagers do not hang out on the playground in this day and age. They break into people's homes to throw wild parties instead.

Partying Teenagers Ransacked A Home While Owners Were At A Restaurant

Let's stop allowing for intellectually bankrupt YouTubers like YouTuber Moon to mislead us into mistaking teenagers to be innocent children. They're not. The 1950s are long gone. Most of us had not even been born yet in the 1950s.

Every time I come across a video like that of YouTuber Moon, I wish that I had a time machine where I could go back to the year 1885 to off Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing so that he would not have had the chance to have coined the clinical terms "pedophile" and "pedophilia." I have always suspected that he had dollar signs in his eyes when he did so. He had to have known what the future implications of doing so would have been, but he did it anyway.

2. Two Different Perspectives Regarding Cross-Generational Relationships Involving Teenage Girls's Perspective On Forbidden Love

There is a woman who calls herself "wretchoftheearth." Her website is named The Rogue Feminist. She apparently condemns the notion of any teenage girl (12 to 17 years old) having any kind of sexual relationship with a noticeably older man no matter how consensual it may appear. On her website, she has posted an article titled "The Myth of the Teenage Temptress: Or Why A Young Girl Can Not Consent to Sex With An Adult Man" by

Probably the real woman I should focus on here is, because she is the one who authored the above-described article. Therein she admits that she started having sex at the age of 13 and that her sex partners were older men rather than teenage boys. She insists that they groomed her despite that they were nicer to her than boys her own age. uses the example of Cherice Morales's suicide after being involved from the age of 14 with a man in his forties. The major flaw in her example is that it was later discovered that Cherice Morales didn't commit suicide because of the sex with this man but because her peers tormented her after finding out about her relationship with him; and the press, the media, and the criminal justice system didn't treat her any better.

Therein stated:

I was 25 before I realized that every man I’d slept with as a teenager was a pedophile.

No, m.xojane, none of them were pedophiles. The DSM-5 specifies that a pedophile is someone 16 years of age or older who is sexually attracted to a prepubescent child 5 or more years younger than them. You were not a prepubescent child when you had sex with these men. What part of that do you not understand? In hindsight, you perceive yourself to have been a child when you were a teenager having sex with these older men. However, medical science dictates that there is no such thing as a pubescent or adolescent child. I am not denying that some of your cross-generational relationships as an adolescent may have been toxic, but do not call them something that they were not. If any of these men you had sexual intercourse with during your adolescence had been pedophiles, they would have stayed away from you inasmuch as you would have seemed like a sexually experienced old lady to them. I hope that you do not buy into all that junk pop science that claims that a young person's brain is not fully developed until 25 years of age. Below is a video wherein Eivind Berge contradicts such a tall tale.

Eivind Berge Criticizes Mo Gawdat's Assertion About The Teenage Brain

In her above-described article, states:

For my part, I spent the next decade of my life wrestling with demons borne partly of sexual trauma. I became addicted to drugs, risky sex, and alcohol. I still struggle to learn that there are better ways to get attention than with my body, that my sexuality isn’t the only thing that makes me worthy of love and attention. What makes you believe that you would not have been taken down this same road if you had only engaged in sexual intercourse with underage boys when you were a teenage schoolgirl?

I once read a story about a 15-year-old boy out in California who threatened his 14-year-old girlfriend with a knife and told her that he would kill her if she refused to have his baby. After he was caught and arrested, he was eventually sentenced to go to a camp for troubled youths that was more like a vacation resort and not at all a penal facility.

Therein further stated:

What I needed, and what she needed, were strong male role models in my life who knew how the f--- to say “No thanks” to a little girl’s come-ons. Because it doesn’t matter if a young girl is saying yes, it’s an adult man’s job to say no. No matter how good your voice sounds when you listen to yourself making that statement, it's an unrealistic school of thought that you are peddling. Yes, I get it. Oprah Winfrey once made a similar statement as yours on her television talk show.

However, you have to consider the fact that our American culture is not in black and white as you appear to perceive it. There will still be underage girls like Alisha Dean who will fool adult men into thinking that they are 19 years old when they are really 13 years old before luring them into bed. She never gave her adult victims a chance to say no to her inasmuch as they didn't know that she was underage until after the fact. How does your school of thought help cross-generational couples in which one person is underage when their love for each other begins, they get married, and years later a police officer shows up on their front doorstep with a statutory-rape warrant for the older partner? Our criminal justice system has become overly zealous about locking up whoever they can for sexually based offenses involving teenage minors even when there is very scarce evidence that someone may have crossed the forbidden age line in their romantic pursuits.

Heather Corinna's Perspective On Forbiden Love

There is another feminist whose name is Heather Corinna who elaborates on this exact same topic in her article titled "Rage of Consent." Like, she is very outspoken in her writing. She admits that she had a 23-year-old boyfriend when she was only 15 years old. However, unlike, she doesn't seek any pity parties from anyone, and she stands by her position to this very day that her relationship with this older man was rewarding and something that she will never regret.

Unlike, Ms. Corinna views American statutory-rape laws to be Draconian, ridiculously outdated, and intellectually bankrupt for the most part aside from these laws showing nothing but contempt for a teenager's right to choose. In her article, Ms. Corinna provides examples of teenagers as young as 15 years old who had successful romantic relationships with adults.

All of these people that Ms. Corinna described in her above-described article were quite confident and sure that when they were teenagers in school, their consensual relationships with adults were not exploitative and did not involve grooming. They also attested that none of their older partners were pedophiles.

These same people implied that the bad guy in their relationships were not the older sex partners but rather the criminal justice system, the busybodies in their communities, the self-righteous do-gooders around them, and society in general. In her above-described article, Ms. Corinna even cited experts to back up her statements in defense of non-Platonic adult-adolescent relationships.

Unlike, Ms. Corinna did not base her perspective of her non-Platonic relationships as a teenager on the ages of her partners but on the individual characteristics of them. Therein she stated:

From a personal standpoint, when I was in my teens, I had a wide variety of relationships with both same-age peers as well as legal adults. I had been sexually assaulted and molested early in my adolescence, and had no trouble knowing or determining what was or was not abusive. Truly, I cannot toss one group or the other by age alone in the negative pile, because they all differed, not by age groups, but as most relationships differ - based on the dynamic between myself and another person.

Therein Ms. Corinna claimed that when she was 15 years old, her 23-year-old boyfriend was more respectful of her sexual boundaries than all of her same-age peers. He held her in higher esteem, and treated her with more respect, care and love than others her age.

Therein Ms. Corinna complained that when the authorities zeroed in on them, they caused her harm rather than good. She ultimately lost her 23-year-old boyfriend to a suicide. Perhaps it would have made happy if all of her adult sex partners from her adolescence had killed themselves, but losing a boyfriend that way did not make Ms. Corinna happy back when she was 15 years old.

Unlike, Ms. Corinna stressed that an "adult attracted to teens was NOT a pedophile." Unlike, the science supports her statement. While there may be some adult men who don't know how to treat a teenage girl or any female of any age, pedophilia does not factor into adult-adolescent sexual relationships.

Ms. Corinna is quite accurate that it is not fair that our criminal justice system seeks to treat minors as young as 12 years old as adults for certain crimes, but, at the same time, wants the statutory ages of consent to be as high as they can across the United States. In that respect, the authorities simply want to have their cake and eat it too.

Ms. Corinna discounts the term "hebephilia" as nothing more than a label that shouldn't exist. The contents of her article contradict's contention that adolescents are somehow powerless to the whims and the deviant desires of a fiendish adult.

In her above-described article, Ms. Corinna shows that she firmly opposes mendacious pedo-shaming of adults who fall in love with teenagers. She believes that sex education is the answer rather than Draconian sex laws.

In contrary to's school of thought, therein Ms. Corinna stated:

We hear again and again that we ought to tell children that "no means no." But if we tell them that their "no" has weight and meaning, we cannot tell them that their "yes" has none. And if we give their consent no value or worth, than their non-consent becomes worthless as well, and it should be unsurprising when it then gets ignored.

Now, here is where we are able to see a monumental difference between an intellectually driven feminist (Heather Corinna) and a men-hating pseudo-feminist ( Both women approach the same topic differently not only based upon their respective experiences as adolescents with older men but also on how they handled them. is an ongoing woe-is-me kind of woman who only wishes to feel bitter and sorry for herself about her adolescent experiences with older men, whereas Ms. Corinna treated her experience as a 15-year-old girl with a 23-year-old boyfriend as a building block in life. encourages other women to hate men for being themselves, whereas Ms. Corinna seeks for men and women to develop an understanding of one another.

Knowledge Is Power

3. Final Thoughts

Content creators need to be more responsible in the kind of terminology they use whenever posting videos on YouTube or on other social-media platforms. Describing an adult man's attraction to an adolescent girl as pedophilia is definitely a gross misnomer and a clear misrepresentation of facts.

I fully understand that the world has not recovered completely from the tragedy involving Amanda Todd. That young girl's life was cut way too short for us not to be concerned about predators like the one who harmed her.

Nevertheless, a teenage girl's non-Platonic relationship or even sexual encounter can be toxic regardless of how old or young her sex partner is. We should all not base our perspective of non-Platonic adult-adolescent relationships on the bitterness of one person who may not have had a very memorable sexual experience with someone older. Americans are the most vulnerable to this same deception.

We all need to see the bigger picture, especially as Americans. Our youth depends upon it. Let's stop buying into these stories and propaganda campaigns about fake pedophilia that Puritanical pseudo-intellectuals and influencers like YouTuber Moon and try to shove down our throats. These people are clueless.

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