Too Many Americans Are Clueless About Ephebophilia

in #law6 months ago (edited)

Johnhain is the creator of this picture/Source:  Pixabay
Well, here I am again, trying to educate and enlighten others, mainly Americans, on this topic. I'm still getting over the melodrama of YouTuber Black Macho's videos that I embedded in my article titled "Ephebophilia Isn't Pedophilia! It's Not Even A Psychiatric Disorder."

After watching two of her videos, I feel like chaining her to a chair and forcing her to watch a Californication marathon. I guess it would be too much for her to digest psychologically that all of the men on that cable series are older than me and none of them need Viagra or Levitra to give their younger girlfriends action in the bedroom.

Herein I'm going to provide further input on why Americans need to stop thinking that an ephebophile has the prospect of becoming the next Jack the Ripper. Ephebophilia has nothing to do with pedophilia. It baffles me why anyone would believe that any man who falls in love with a girl between 15 and 19 years old would have anything in common with a diaper sniper who preys on toddlers.

Anyhow, before I go into the specifics regarding my stance on ephebophilia, I'm now going to tell you a true story about something that happened to me on YouTube nearly a decade ago. There is this one YouTuber who goes by the user name of DasSpiderMonkey. This man is the biggest arrogant jerk of all jerks you could ever come across on the YouTube platform. He will insult you in the comments section of any video left and right if you don't agree with his point of view. In other words, he clearly doesn't believe in healthy debates. He's a control freak.

Back in 2014, I came across a video on YouTube that contained a clip from the 2010 movie titled Trust. I posted a comment there to criticize this film as not being as sincere about online sexual predation as the 1998 film titled Strangeland was. I argued that I found Trust to contain too much sensationalism in it to be taken seriously.

Out of nowhere YouTuber DasSpiderMonkey posted a snide remark at me in his reply to my comment, stating that it had taken me "that long" to admit that I was a "child molester." Now wait a minute. I had said nothing in my comment that sexualized pre-pubescent children. Therefore, I had to question where this imbecile was coming up with such a defamatory statement against me.

I probably should have blocked him immediately, because fact has it that nobody is going to get anywhere in an argument with this dufus. I had read past comments of his that he had made at other YouTubers who disagreed with him on a topic, and he was obnoxiously derisive with them.

Moreover, whenever someone falsely accuses you of being a child molester, they seldom are going to take anything you have to say back to them seriously. They're mentally unhinged and obsessed individuals who couldn't care less about the facts. I don't even know why I wasted my time, communicating back and forth with him on this topic in that same comments section. It was like carrying on a conversation with a rabid squirrel.

Nevertheless, having been on YouTube for a very short time, I made the mistake of actually attempting to enlighten this pathetic piece of human waste. The more I tried to inundate him with facts, the more hateful and belligerent he became with me.

In any event, even though YouTuber DasSpiderMonkey absolutely insisted that I was a child molester and a pedophile, he didn't have any list of names of alleged "victims" of mine to prove so. In other words, he was slandering me upon making baseless accusations against me.

It was clear that YouTuber DasSpiderMonkey was not a psychiatrist or any kind of doctor, because if he were one, his medical license would have been revoked years earlier. Like me, this man has only been on YouTube for a decade. He is definitely a pedophile-panic fanatic. He's one of those dunces who claim to believe that hebephilia and ephebophilia are the same things as pedophilia.

The hypocrisy of YouTuber DasSpiderMonkey's actions is that he is a passionate fan of the singer Lita Ford. Lita Ford used to be in a rock-and-roll band called The Runaways back in the 1970s; and one of their most famous songs was "Cherry Bomb," which is a song that describes and glamorizes forbidden sex between adolescent girls and adult men.

To make a long story short, I went ahead and blocked this creep. I should have reported him for harassing me, because I seriously doubt that he even cared about teenage girls and which sex partners they selected, young or old.

Some of the posts that this lunatic made to other people who disagreed with him in comments sections of other videos were so graphically vulgar that I don't see how this creep even believed he had any moral high ground to be accusing anyone of any kind of criminal sexual conduct. Everything he did on YouTube was deplorable and groundless. He's like someone who would have lost a barroom brawl, because everyone would have ganged up on him as quickly as he made enemies.

After all the people that YouTube wrongfully banned and removed from their platform not too long ago, it bewilders me how YouTuber DasSpiderMonkey continues to have a channel on YouTube. Then again, YouTube doesn't treat its content creators with the most respect and decency.

This Dumbo only has 23 subscribers to his channel after having been on YouTube for a decade. Very few people want to subscribe to his channel, because he only seeks to pick fights with other YouTubers on that social-media platform. If the YouTube platform goes belly up someday, he and others like him will be to blame for it.

YouTuber DasSpiderMonkey is one of those hotheaded haters who take the predilection of falsely accusing someone of being a child molester and a pedophile every time someone disagrees with him on a juvenile-justice-related matter. He's incapable of carrying on an intelligent conversation online and probably offline too. If you have an account on YouTube as I do, avoid this self-styled lout at all costs. He's incorrigible and has nothing inside his head.

Now, I'm going to take this opportunity to call out all the other self-righteous know-it-alls like YouTuber DasSpiderMonkey on their stupidity regarding ephebophilia. You'd be surprised at how much these people simply have no clue of what they're talking about.

1.  Stubborn Attitudes Among Self-Righteous Know-It-Alls Regarding Ephebophilia

In my previous article titled "Ephebophilia Isn't Pedophilia! It's Not Even A Psychiatric Disorder," I cited the intelligent and well-thought-out responses of some of the participants of a Quora Forum to make my points. The question that was set forth to them was "Why do people act like ephebophilia and pedophilia are the same thing, when they are different (one is, in my opinion, far worse)?"

Now, I'm going to cite the responses that I found to be either wrong or intellectually bankrupt and even sometimes offensive. Kosta provided the first response in that forum. Because Kosta is a sexual-assault survivor, I thought for sure that she was going to be harsh on ephebophiles; but surprisingly she wasn't. However, I did not completely agree with her on everything she stated therein.

I think that she's a female. I can't really tell from the profile picture, but let's just assume that she is a female.

Therein Kosta stated:

Ignorance mostly. People equate underage with pedophile. It’s done everywhere, even the media. I just watched The Daily Show last night and they had a banner of of Epstein that said “The Secret Life of Pedophiles” besides the fact that there is zero indication that Epstein had any interest in prepubescent children.

So there’s the fact that even for those people who want to use the correct terms, most of the general population has no idea what that means. Everyone (thinks) that they know what a pedophile is and therefore it’s easy to call Roy Moore and Epstein pedophiles without having to explain what you mean.

Additionally, anyone who tries to educate people on the difference between pedophiles and ephebophiles is going to run into people accusing them of defending pedophiles. People think saying “they’re not a pedophile” means that we’re defending someone. Someone who rapes a fully grown adult victim isn’t a pedophile either, but that doesn’t mean we’re condoning rape by saying that. It’s a huge problem for people who want to correct it though.

So it mostly comes down to ignorance and laziness. I don’t necessarily agree with your assertion that pedophilia (or rather abusing prepubescent children) is far worse than ephebophilia, but that’s beside the point. We need to use the proper terms and address these issues correctly or we’ll never help victims.

Kosta provided a good description of what the problem is as for conflating pedophilia with ephebophilia. Where she loses me is when she states that she doesn't necessarily agree that pedophilia is far worse than ephebophilia. She offers no clarification to that same analogy. Could she mean that pedophilia is merely a sexual orientation like ephebophilia rather than a paraphilia? Or does she mean that she views ephebophiles as being as dangerous as pedophiles?

I can frankly vouch that ephebophiles are worlds apart from pedophiles, and the two categories should never be equated to each other or even compared with each other. It's as simple as that.

The ChatGPT's response gives me a good laugh, but, at the same time, it is also concerning inasmuch as this entity is not even human and has never been an adolescent or has experienced any kind of triumphs or disappointments in life involving love relationships. It hasn't ever experienced human feelings and emotions that are tied into falling in love.

I could write a whole other article about this ChatGPT's participation in this same forum. I honestly feel that the United States of America needs laws to regulate artificial intelligence before it evolves into a national security threat.

I'm not going to quote the entire statement that the ChatGPT posted in the forum, but I am going to weed out the part of it that is most disturbing. Therein it stated:

The reason why people sometimes confuse [ephebophilia with pedophilia] or treat them as similar might be due to several factors:

Psychological concerns: Both conditions raise significant psychological concerns, as they involve an inappropriate sexual interest in minors, which can have long-lasting effects on the well-being of the young individuals involved.

Moral and ethical considerations: Society often views both conditions as morally wrong due to the potential harm caused to vulnerable individuals.

How is it inappropriate for a man over 21 years of age to have a sexual interest in a girl between 15 and 19 years old? The American Psychiatric Association ("A. P. A.") has never reclassified ephebophilia as a paraphilia. The A. P. A. has never even discussed the notion of doing so. The World Health Organization ("WHO") has mirrored the A. P. A. in that respect.

What makes this ChatGPT an expert on determining whether an adult man's romantic involvement with a girl between 15 and 19 years old is going to lead to "potential harm"? Does this ChatGPT even realize that it is saying that there's no difference between a scenario involving 35-year-old man who falls in love with a 19-year-old woman and a scenario involving an 81-year-old man kidnapping, raping, and sodomizing a 5-year-old girl?

Artificial intelligence cannot be trusted to understand human sexuality or very personal situations. A ChatGPT doesn't even breathe or eat or exist as a human being. It is though somebody coaxed or rigged that ChatGPT above to say exactly what that person wanted it to say rather than what the truth really was. That is, if it was even capable of discerning a truth from a lie.

Therein the ChatGPT also stated:

It is crucial to differentiate between the two terms and understand that acting on any sexual attraction to minors, regardless of their age, is unacceptable and illegal. Both pedophilia and ephebophilia require careful examination and appropriate interventions to ensure the protection of minors and the well-being of all involved parties. Seeking professional help, such as therapy, is essential for individuals experiencing such attractions to address their feelings appropriately and safely.

So now we're relying on computers and the likes to tell us how to live our lives. This is all so insane and is a red flag of the dangers to come. First of all, the age pole of attraction for ephebophiles is not purely minors. An ephebophile is attracted to 18- and 19-year-old women also. Second of all, ephebophilia is widely accepted throughout Europe. For example, in France, it is perfectly acceptable for a 15-year-old girl to have a 25-year-old boyfriend.

The elephant in the room here is that this is evidence that societal elitists are misusing artificial intelligence to promote a moral panic throughout the United States of America. All relationships between adult men over 21 years old and young women between 15 and 19 years of age are not toxic in the manner that this ChatGPT is trying to misguide its readers to believe. I'm sure that Lenore Skenazy would have some unkind things to say about this ChatGPT in view of the misinformation it feeds its readers.

For any of you who don't fully know what a ChatGPT is, below is a video that explains it. After viewing the video, you will definitely not be resorting to a ChatGPT or any kind of artificial intelligence for love advice.

A Description of A ChatGPT

When artificial intelligence starts telling us what type of sexual interaction between humans is okay and what type of it isn't, it's time for all of us to reassess the situation with artificial intelligence and start pushing for some tough laws against integrating it into our daily lives. Believe me. None of us are going to want artificial intelligence determining our society's moral values.

Remember HAL in the movie titled 2001: A Space Odyssey? He was an artificial-intelligence-based megacomputer who was entrusted with the success and even the lives of the crewmembers on a major space expedition. HAL begins to act looney with the two crewmembers who are not cryonically frozen, and then he murders all of them except for one.

The sole survivor ends up outside the spaceship gradually running out of oxygen in his spacesuit. However, he somehow manages to get back inside the spaceship and dismantle HAL. By that point in time, HAL has done too much damage for the mission to be salvaged. Then everything starts to get really scary, even though HAL has been shut down and can no longer hurt anyone.

The ChatGPT above claims that "[s]eeking professional help, such as therapy, is essential for individuals experiencing [pedophilia and ephebophilia] to address their feelings appropriately and safely." I have no problem with it sending a pedophile to a shrink. However, when artificial intelligence is sending someone to a psychiatrist for merely a social construct (ephebophilia) that is not even listed as a psychiatric disorder in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5"), then that artificial-intelligence entity needs to meet the same fate as HAL.

I don't mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist; but if artificial intelligence is sending psychiatrically sound people to psychotherapists, you have to question whether artificial intelligence is eventually going to take over the mental-health profession altogether. That is, someday a mental patient could be sitting on the other side of a desk from an android who will be giving him or her psychotherapy. I don't think that Dr. Drew Pinsky will like that very much.

Anyhow, let's get back to what humans have to say about ephebophilia. In the above-described Quora forum, Meera R stated:

What the difference between 11 and 12 years old? You can continue to classify and act like one is worse, but it only benefits groomers. Ephebophilic or pedophilic it’s sickness and older adolescents who prey on younger more vulnerable groups need to be punished legally and/or serious therapy so they don’t act out on whatever perversions they have.

You can tell the groomers in the comments. Very sick. I Hope and pray none of you work with minors. You want to warp reality to fit your mental diseases and it’s absolutely disgusting. An adult doesn’t want me so here let me go lust and groom a child and call it something less heinous than pedohillic so the other nuts in the world will accept me and make me feel like it’s normal. It’s not!

Meera R? Do you even know what ephebophilia is? It's when an adult man is attracted to a girl or woman between 15 and 19 years old. And, yes, there is a major difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia. One is listed as a paraphilia and a psychiatric disorder in the DSM-5 and the other one is purely a social construct.

Meera R is a New Yorker; and I can tell you straight up that when I lived in New York City, New Yorkers prided themselves on being stubborn and opinionated, especially on controversial topics like chronophilias. This woman must be a close relative of YouTuber Black Macho, because she sure has her mean streak in her.

Meera R simply loves the words "groom" and "groomer," because both words are not legitimate legal terms and they leave a great amount of room for writer's license and creativity as for their meanings. In other words, neither terms have any meaning or definition set in stone.

Meera R? I'm not religious. However, I pray that a 16-year-old minor never rapes you. If one does, it's going to be a much bigger tragedy than if an adult man does so. Why? Here is the reason. If you fail to prove that he forced you against your will into sexual intercourse, his parents will likely press criminal charges against you of statutory rape.

In that event, Meera R, you could become pregnant with his baby, and then you're going to have to fight him in court for custody of your baby with which his rape impregnated you. So many horrors are constantly going to remind you that there is a major difference between a 16-year-old boy and an 8-year-old boy. As a matter of fact, Meera R, there's a major difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia.

The problem here is that if the law-enforcement officials who investigate your rape, Meera R, don't differentiate between pedophilia and ephebophilia, your life is going to become an even bigger nightmare than before, because many women have unwanted orgasms during rapes. If that should happen to you, Meera R, and the doctors who examine you afterwards to gather evidence of a rape find out that you did, that information is going down on a medical report and haunting you forever.

As all of you can see, ignorance is dangerous and it can harm the very people who promote it in a way that is worse than it can do so to ones who don't buy into it. What's disgusting here is Meera R's inability to differentiate between toddlers and teenagers. Lastly, nobody is going to go to a therapist when they have no psychiatric disorder. Ephebophilia is not a psychiatric disorder merely because people like Meera R may find it to be taboo in their school of thought.

I wouldn't doubt that Meera R has gawked at a 15- or 16-year-old boy's muscles after she entered her twenties and even thirties. She needs to get off her moral high horse, because she is no better of a person than anyone else.

In the above-described forum, Chronicles of Curiosity (Gabriel Bell) stated:

The age of consent in the UK is 16.

If a grown woman, or grown man, is sexually attracted to someone under the age of sixteen they are — by definition — a paedophile.

I don’t care what technical definitions you can provide via the web, being attracted to someone that young, and worse acting on it is a criminal offence and is — for most people — heinous and appalling.

So while you can rationalise almost anything via made up terms on the web, in reality if a full grown adult is attracted to a child — which a fifteen year old kid is — they are a paedophile.

And they really should look at that in themselves.

Okay. I'm not going to go hard on Mr. Bell, because he is British and his nation has a higher illiteracy rate than that of the United States. However, I will emphasize one point. Pedophilia has nothing to do with the statutory age of consent in any given jurisdiction.

Does Mr. Bell mean that if he travels from the United Kingdom to Italy where the statutory age of consent is only 14, then all of sudden adult men who are attracted to 14- and 15-year-old girls are no longer pedophiles? Well, in actuality, they were never pedophiles in the first place, even in nations where these girls would be legally deemed as jailbait.

My great-grandfather was British. His 15-year-old daughter (my late grand aunt) was only 15 years old when she asked him and her mother for permission to marry a 24-year-old man. When she and her husband both said "I do," they had the full blessings of the church and the full approval of the law to consummate their relationship as husband and wife. There were no pedophiles in that scenario.

Mr. Bell clearly doesn't know what he is saying in his post. A 15-year-old girl is no longer a child, because she is not pre-pubescent. There are no ifs or buts about it.

Talhakhalil007 is the creator of this image/Source:  Pixabay

2.  Final Thoughts

Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing did no favors for the world in conceptualizing pedophilia back in 1886, because he had to have known that the definition of this paraphilia would someday eventually take on a life of its own. The United States of America has felt that aberration more harshly than any other society in recent years.

Meanwhile, the fact that artificial intelligence proves to be no wiser than some of the semi-illiterates in American society demonstrates that it cannot be trusted with the future of psychotherapy and medicine. ChatGPTs should never be enlisted to participate in conversations about human sexuality, because ChatGPTs have never had sexual feelings or have experienced any kind of sexuality. It's as logical as asking your vacuum cleaner for marital advice or child-birthing advice.

In dealing with this confusion that many Americans appear to have over the difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia, I find myself constantly being reminded of this one movie titled In & Out about a man who falls victim of a cruel rumor that he is gay when he really isn't. Toward the end of the film, this man's friends come to him in his defense and make a point that he is not gay; but even if he were gay, it wouldn't give anyone the right to judge him.

This same film ends with a finale where all of the male protagonist's friends are in an assembly room at a local high school and each of them say that they are gay one by one, even the character that Debbie Reynolds plays in that movie. Meanwhile, an angry, old man is on the stage, making a facial expression of disbelief and disgust insofar as he looks like a complete fool.

With all the hysteria connected with the moral panic over who is and is not a pedophile, I get the distinct impression that someday that film is going to be remade and the ending will show an assembly room full of people saying, "I'm an ephebophile." There will also be a cantankerous, opinionated old man standing on the stage making that same look of disbelief and disgust.

The best part of that same movie remake will be when nobody in the assembly room will even care what he thinks. They will view him as intellectually bankrupt as most of the people I named from the above-described Quora forum.

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