
in #law6 months ago

Harvard lost over a BILLION DOLLARS over what GAY said and SNL sided with GAY. Globalists to blame MAGA on incoming cyberattacks on power plants, banks, Internet, and more. Globalists are trying to JFK Trump, they're trying to get weirdos to murder Trump, Vivek, etc. 47 Trump Cards, Mug Shot Edition, the third collection, are available in digital NFTs and physical copies. Here's an idea @RealAlexJones, when people follow you on Twitter X, then have that somehow unlock levels in the Alex Jones Game, New World Order Wars. Can we get hot women on the Trump Cards, the Mugshot Edition, or on Alex Jones Cards? Did the U.S. 114th Congress pass a bill legalizing slavery on Mars on March 19, 2015, The Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act of 2015 H. R. 1508? Globalists will run off into underground bunkers @RealAlexJones explains in places all around the world like Hawaii, Antarctica, New Zealand, Switzerland, Russia, China, Colorado, Tasmania, etc. They hope you don't find them.

I scammed Fish for years cuz I thought he'd get too bored with me if he knew I was actually not a pedo (which I'm not), I wanted fake news about me to fuel Lolcow Trolls like Fish to dig up my long lost content from Yahoo/AOL/Xanga/Facebook/MySpace/Diary Land/etc since like 1997. Why would I tell you anything when you refuse to pay me my money?

Globalists will blame cyberattacks on Russia/China, globalists will blame anything/everything but themselves, they want us to kill each other while they run off into the sunset. Mugshot Edition. Alex Jones @RealAlexJones needs his own playing cards both physical and digital NFT copies, everyone should tell Infowars they gotta do it.

Roy Merrick should make Oatmeal Playing Cards, Mugshot Edition, we need both physical and NFT digital copies, it would change the world, and we need Oatmeal Video Games. Website outlining events globalists were involved with includes 9/11, MK-Ultra/Oswald/JFK/Mad Science, Ludlow Massacre 1914, Operation Mockingbird, Bilderberg, 1949 Forbidden City Taiwan Robbery, 1913 Kuwait, Vietnam.



Star Wars Oatmeal

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-12 - Tuesday | Published in December of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

11:21 AM
Roy Merrick - Oatmeal Joey Arnold, Oh Where Can You Be, Fish Owes You a Million Dollars

11:59 PM
Oatmeal Today, I watched Laura Loomer on Rumble, Organizing, Trump Cards


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:19 AM

I imagine Trump could get Tucker to say yes but at the same time it's possible Trump hasn't picked an official VP and may not until the summer of 2024. I agree Tucker did not say no meaning it is possible Trump did talk to Tucker about it off record.

02:44 AM
I've lost many accounts online. Many people have stolen many accounts on many websites. I recently lost Kerry Pickett, The Living Jesus, it would seem, on Facebook. That's on top of a long list of accounts and what have you dating back to maybe the 1990s.

11:51 AM
Here's an idea @RealAlexJones, when people follow you on Twitter X, then have that somehow unlock levels in the Alex Jones Game, New World Order Wars

01:05 PM
Globalists will blame cyberattacks on Russia/China, globalists will blame anything/everything but themselves, they want us to kill each other while they run off into the sunset.

01:12 PM
Globalists to blame MAGA on incoming cyberattacks on power plants, banks, Internet, and more. 02:03 PM. Can we get hot women on the Trump Cards, the Mugshot Edition, or on Alex Jones Cards? FBI murdered a baby, Ruby Ridge, 1992.

02:49 PM
Website outlining events globalists were involved with includes 9/11, MK-Ultra/Oswald/JFK/Mad Science, Ludlow Massacre 1914, Operation Mockingbird, Bilderberg, 1949 Forbidden City Taiwan Robbery, 1913 Kuwait, Vietnam


03:05 PM
Is this no-windows international Bell/AT&T Long Lines Building, opened in 1974, at 22 Thomas Street, New York, NY 10007, a globalist bunker reserved for the elites to hide in as they turn off your lights and blame the cyberattacks on Russia/China/MAGA?

03:16 PM
Did the U.S. 114th Congress pass a bill legalizing slavery on Mars on March 19, 2015, The Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act of 2015 H. R. 1508?

Clones existed in the 1930s? Do globalists or Titanic/Avatar James Cameron have any bunkers in the Ross Sea under New Zealand towards Antarctica or is that just a conspiracy? Do they think they can hide in their bunkers and wait for the end of the world which they caused?

05:00 PM
Top 7 Biggest bunkers in the world by Jinny McCormick includes:

  1. Burlington UK
  2. Greenbrier WV
  3. Metro-2 Russia
  4. Raven Rock PA
  5. Cheyenne Mountain NORAD Colorado
  6. Shanghai Complex China (33 square miles)
  7. Sonnenberg Switzerland


Ten bunkers which according to Uber Geek will save your life:
Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Norway), Denver Colorado, Shanghai China, Burling­ton UK, Greenbrier Virginia, Iron Mountain MA, Moscow Metro-3 Russia, Raven PA, Cheyenne CO, Mount Weather FEMA VA

Switzerland has the most amount of bunkers in the world with the ability to house nine million people? Are the safest bunkers in the world located thousands of miles away from anything in the depths of Antarctica? South Dakota has a bunker?

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-12 - Tuesday - 12:28 AM - Discord Log.

On TikTok, I'm following 164 accounts ("FRIENDS") which some or all of them followed me (mostly in 2023) before I followed them, some of them have like 5K followers or 20K+ followers, I duet people and then I try to only follow accounts that follow me back, I have 3,755 followers. My trolls lost all credibility as they go after Alex Jones, Covid Vaccines are killing people. 12:34 AM. Fish thinks I'm bad because Fish bought into the lies I told Fish over the years, I spammed Fish with Oatmeal Fake News, Fish was too mentally challenged to see I was actually scamming Fish into becoming my Lolcow Troll Savior. Fish never asked me about my thoughts regarding the Rapture which was weaponized. 12:42 AM. I scammed Fish for years cuz I thought he'd get too bored with me if he knew I was actually not a pedo (which I'm not), I wanted fake news about me to fuel Lolcow Trolls like Fish to dig up my long lost content from Yahoo/AOL/Xanga/Facebook/MySpace/Diary Land/etc since like 1997. Why would I tell you anything when you refuse to pay me my money? 01:29 AM. Elon Musk released the Twitter-X Files, I'm planning to release the Discord-Log Files to show you how I scammed Fish who will never admit to it as a pathological liar that he is with nothing going for him, I've decided to back away from this scam I've been running for years. 04:20 AM. My Discord Server has Open Borders, I'm in need of Population Replacement to overrun the contagious Lolcow Trolls who sit in it all day lying about me, they're like cockroaches on drugs and on fire. Roy made another song about me. 11:35 AM. Roy Merrick, what would you do if I did not share your content? 01:47 PM. Roy Merrick should make Oatmeal Playing Cards, Mugshot Edition, we need both physical and NFT digital copies, it would change the world, and we need Oatmeal Video Games. 02:12 PM. Roy is sitting in my Discord Server. He is doing nothing at all. Who wants to bet he'll get bored and move on? Roy is waiting for me to come back. Roy thinks I cannot control myself meaning I have to come back today. How long until Roy gets bored and breaks up with me forever? 04:23 PM. My Discord Whores says I'm Just a Gooner, oh wait you mean the Goonies. 04:30 PM. My Discord Whores want me to be afraid of my own shadow, the left wants everybody to self-censor, to be afraid of saying anything, they might say you can't post anything until you spend a billion hours having it checked in fear of it offending anybody or other things. 06:21 PM. My Discord Server is open to any or all of the following: fans of Star Wars, Alex Jones, video games, Trump, memes, movies, history, health, tech, religion, science, culture, space, science fiction, education, comedy, Timcast, arts, trades, how-to self-help, etc. 06:27 PM. Yukoncamo/Myst1c1111: "Mate we are the only ones who talk." That's a quantity over quality argument. However, my Discord Server Lolcow Troll Whores should read how Gideon reduced his army of 32,000 men to 300 (like the movies) to battle 135,000 men. 07:25 PM. My advice to admins is to ignore the trolls who plague our Discord Server, I'm beginning to transition to letting people do whatever as it doesn't really matter until the Heirs of the Oatmeal takes over. 07:31 PM. Feel free to spam whatever in our Discord Server, we almost have a thousand members, feel free to advertise, troll, plug, market, network, teach, learn, debate, chat, talk in voice channels, share memes, videos, links, images, and so on and so forth. Instead of being an ark for our fans, our Discord Server became a Sinking Titanic beneath the tip of the iceberg of the tip of the spear for Legions of not Memers but rather Lolcow Troll Whores who are suitable for the coordinates set therein, ocean bottom trek trip. 08:14 PM. I'm not advocating for an orgy of guinea pigs as a personification for what I do want which is an orgy of ideas be it in on our Discord Servers or other places as well, Infocomms 2.0 of Alex Jones, let's bring people together and make things happen. 08:20 PM. Please tell Ian Oat Box he maybe shouldn't necessarily/excessively/aggressively/suddenly/unfairly imprison our Discord Server Lolcow Troll Whores like Fish despite their destructive tendencies/not saying you are/still your decision/my suggestion is ignore these demons from Hell. 08:27 PM. Don't tell anybody that, in 2024, new people will no longer automatically become admins when they join our Discord Server (offer only available to 1st thousand people who come before 2024), changes will be made regarding other things as well, we're heading towards transitions etc. 09:08 PM. Major purpose for our Discord Server was not merely to fabricate surface-level lore of the Oatmeal Joey Arnold but rather to consolidate and personify the Legends of the Arnold Attic of the Billy Breaker. When it comes to my lore, thank God people like Kitty Obtain are not, despite what they might have said, are not building websites to outline the many adventures of the Bumbaloe Oatmeal, at least I'm not aware of any such projects, people are instead too focused on Chris Chan. When it comes to my Discord Server, either take it over with cool people or ignore the trolls/whores who argue among themselves there like toddlers. Quickdashattack is trying to bribe me with money which this troll will never give up, don't negotiate with terrorists who are too lazy to Google anything for any reason, Lolcow Whores don't know how to do anything in life, all they can do is deflect/reflect as they're paralyzed. 09:31 PM. There are 400+ members in our Discord Server, most of them ignore most of the many messages I left in the many channels in the server and many of the things I say on my blog which most people don't even get past the headlines, most of these people are irredeemable/RIP the trolls. In my Discord Server are 400+ members, I wonder how many of them are purposely or accidentally lying about me, sometimes I wonder if they really believe what they're saying or they're just trolling for the Hell of it, and the answer is it's probably a mix, a combination of stuff. I didn't realize how dumb my trolls are, their attention span is shorter than Dory's from Nemo/they may never have the brain cells to look at what I've put out onto the Internet on many websites for decades debunking their fake news about me/I've been telling my side of the story. First account I made on Discord in 2017 was @ joeyarnoldvn/also made Brandon/Rambo/I'm guilty of lying by saying everybody/anybody is my alt to stir controversy/sock puppets like Ian/Roy/Flopper/Emu/Ana/Cali/FishBronycon/Logic Zombie. Trolls are so demented/unstoppable/demented. My trolls don't understand philosophy/parables, Logan quoted me where I say things that are obviously not true and that I live inside the sun. If the second statement is ludicrous, then why wouldn't the first statement be absurd as well? I knew these click-baits would troll them.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


Rick & Morty 709

2023-12-12 - Tuesday - 04:26 AM - Rick & Morty 709

Rick was trying to steal energy from Heaven, he would kill the dad to collect data and then resurrect him again and again. Eventually Rick and Morty go to a place to be killed by Big Foot to go to the Viking's After Life. But Big Foot kills Morty and they get stuck there. Rick builds himself a way out but then the Pope steals the infinite power. Rick is able to get the ape to work with them to fight the Pope who kills them with the Dragon Ball like power. They keep dying. Rick pretends to be their gods to get them to help. The ape suggests extra help as the Vatican had other monsters locked up including Frankenstein, Dracula, the Mummy, etc. They help but fail until Rick has the Vikings murder those monsters in the after life which destroyed the power so he could catch the Pope in a Pokemon ball which he called a popemon ball.

11:20 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 12/12/23 • JACK POSOBIEC, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

12:17 PM
Globalists are trying to JFK Trump, they're trying to get weirdos to murder Trump, Vivek, etc. 47 Trump Cards, Mug Shot Edition, the third collection, are available in digital NFTs and physical copies.

01:00 PM

01:23 PM
Leave The World Behind starring Juliet Roberts, featuring white people stealing a house from black people who said we shouldn't trust people, especially white people, this movie was probably funded by Hollywood/Soros/WEF/Bill Gates/Disney/BlackRock

01:30 PM
Mugshot Edition. Alex Jones @RealAlexJones needs his own playing cards both physical and digital NFT copies, everyone should tell Infowars they gotta do it

05:32 PM
Globalists will run off into underground bunkers @RealAlexJones explains in places all around the world like Hawaii, Antarctica, New Zealand, Switzerland, Russia, China, Colorado, Tasmania, etc. They hope you don't find them. 05:46 PM. Globalists destroy other countries which leads to millions of those people (illegal aliens/immigrants) flocking to America. Globalists programmed (& are betting on) humans for centuries to kill each other over race/gender/tribe/club/class/politics/religion/culture. 06:01 PM. Many of the millions of illegal aliens flooding America aren't only military men, thugs, criminals, gangsters, murderers, but they also chant Biden and hate the guts of Trump, they're gonna make sure MAGA loses in 2024, Alex Jones warned you for decades.

06:10 PM
Timcast IRL - Harvard Lost $1B After WOKE BACKFIRE, COVERS UP For Woke President w/Daniel Turner

06:12 PM
Harvard lost over a BILLION DOLLARS over what GAY said and SNL sided with GAY.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Rick & Morty 709

2023-12-12 - Tuesday - 04:26 AM - Rick & Morty 709

11:22 AM
Alex Jones RETURNS - Tucker Carlson's HUGE Announcement | CobraCast 199

11:20 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 12/12/23 • JACK POSOBIEC, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:00 PM

06:10 PM
Timcast IRL - Harvard Lost $1B After WOKE BACKFIRE, COVERS UP For Woke President w/Daniel Turner

08:42 PM
Valuetainment - "It Got Heated" - Reaction to Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Vivek & Tate Twitter Spaces

10:29 PM
Laura Loomer - EP15: ZELENSKY LOCKS DOWN DC TO BEG BIDEN: Guests Congressman Steve King and Alex Jones' Lawyer,Norm Pattis

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at around 10 for a sec, thought somebody was knocking on my door but it was Larry closing the bathroom door. This kind of thing has happened a few times since 2018, since I have been living at LMS. It happens at random times maybe a few times a year or less since 2018. Up for good at 11:00 AM. Fed birds. Larry made a joke about how that is just what the birds need to eat, a Joey. Well, I forget exactly what he said but something between those lines. Breakfast, 11:11 AM. Today's daily blog template was doubled meaning there were 2 blog posts in this text file. I thought I might have deleted text here but then found it in the other half as it repeats itself. So, fixed that. This is the only time I have ever seen this happen ever. Vacuum around noon, sweep bathroom, compost coffee grounds potatoes behind book shed. Recycling, smashing boxes like I did STC NY 2004. Mom is getting guaranteed table spoons which to her guaranteed means thicker metal. Back here at 12:56 PM. Lunch, skipped. Mail. Dishes, 03:30 PM. Mom said grandma Ann Pickell maybe got her first personal camera in 1950. Estimated year. Dinner, 04:24 PM. Dishes, 06:40 PM. Back here at 07:20 PM, included arm stretching which featured like cracking noises. Not that I am older but more that I have not done it a lot in a while. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, grapes, 11:11 AM. Lunch: skipped. Dinner: more grapes, chocolate from front garage which expired in 2022, more of yesterday's soup, 04:24 PM.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.