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RE: Supreme Court Round 2 - This one was accepted for review!

in #law3 years ago

Thanks for updating! I have to say I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone go this particular route. In my own research (several years ago) most people did fall under the category of just shooting off their mouths rather than digging in and filing serious paperwork so I don’t think I’ve seen this before, at least not from this perspective. I really hope it works out for you and kicks the doors open for everyone going forward.

My biggest question regarding this topic is why aren’t there attorneys who specialize in this? I could see a taboo surrounding it, similar to cops not crossing the blue line even when an officer has committed a crime, but in this case you’d think there’d be an entire school of thought around correcting a problem of this magnitude. It’s the daddy of all arguments for people who get off by arguing. Why is it always people defending themselves when it comes to this?