Birds Before Prey - A Sign Your Wishes Will Be Fulfilled

in #lawofattraction3 years ago (edited)


Birds Before . . . What?

It's actually "birds before land." It is a nautical term referring to the birds you will see when land is ho, if you have been out to sea. Birds before land means you are "almost there" or you're "going the right direction."

In manifesting terms, this means you start to see "signs" that your wish is soon to be fulfilled. The word "soon" is a misnomer though. Manifesting knows no time or space. It only knows "beliefs" and "resistance." That's it. There is not some magical sailor in the sky that grants wishes and will "soon grant you yours."

That's not how it works.

How it works is, the second you believe something, without resistance, is the exact second it comes true. Period.

Signs Of Wishes Fulfilled

genie lamp.png

The thing is, sometimes we're not quite where we need to be with the self concept or the belief we need for that thing to be true. But we're SO CLOSE. So we see SO CLOSE versions of what it is we seek. For instance. I have a specific desire to sell $80K a month. And not just $80K, but an EFFORTLESS $80K.

And guess what! I manifested it this week! $81K in sales this month, and it was effortless, and it happened so easily without much work or forethought. It just fell into place. The only problem fell into the lap of my COWORKER! Who has never once sold that much per month in the three years she's been there. She typically ranges between $40K and $55K.

And instead of being jealous about how hard I worked this month in comparison to her, and how much more she earned in comparison to me, I said to myself, "Wow! I manifested that! I am so close to doing it for myself now!"

It was actually really cool.

Don't Dis It

Think what you want. A lot of manifesting practitioners talk about this. As you get closer to your goal and better at your belief system, you start to see signs of things happening around you, exactly the way you want, with one small tweak, or sometimes through other people and their lives. Instead of getting jealous and feeling excluded when your friends achieve something you want, look at it as a sign that you are close to doing the same thing!

The most common example I've heard is with SP's (special person you want to be with, or want to treat you better). I've heard of sooo many examples of how someone had a specific thing they wanted their SP to do or say to them, and then someone with the SAME name showed up for them and did or said the exact specific thing they had wished for. It was just not THEIR SP. So they were frustrated. But this is a good sign! It means you are close to being able to do it the way you want. Cut yourself some slack.

This should be taken as encouragement that you are on the right track. And it gets better with practice.

Birds Before Prey

Birds Before Prey is way better than birds before land, in my opinion. Birds before land just sort of fly around in a generic direction, and you can kind of guess how far, and which way to go, when you see them. Birds of prey, on the other hand, can see their food from miles away, and when they plunge for the kill, they rarely miss.

That's the kind of bird I'd like to be.


Oh @galenkp! You shouldn't have! Thanks for curating and also voting on my pretty little post. My goodness. Aren't you just sprouting wings and halos all over the place! I feel so swell.