Thinking about joining

in #lensy4 years ago

You will have to pass a purity test first.

It seems that they are gate keeping anybody out that don't meet with their approval.

Of course, that means that I got to butt heads with them.

I hate purity tests and authoritarians.

If you do, too, skip joining



What exactly is a purity chest? Who gets to de use who is pure?

Purity tests are when a dog sniffs your butt and decides whether or not to lick it.

Obviously, not enough people have left over this issue.
Still plenty of fresh fish for the mills.

They need to stop dodgy accounts like you - next minute you will be changing your name and identifying as someone else...

Yeah, as if they can't censor their chain,...

It would be one thing if I had attempted the fraud before, but that is just about control, iyam.
Something is wrong with them.