in #leofinance2 years ago


I will start by saying what Nokia CEO said during the press conference when Microsoft want to acquire NOKIA,at the end of is speach he said "we didn't do anything wrong but we still lost" by saying this ,all is management team , including himself burst to tears

You see Nokia is one of the respectful company, they did nothing wrong but the world change too fast,thier opponent change with the world which make them more powerful in the market,they miss out on learning,

they miss out on learning new skills which can make them more competitive in the market, they miss out on learning, they miss out on learning new skills which can make them competitive in the market,not only did they miss the opportunity of making money, they also miss the chance of survival

Moral lesson of this story is when last did you update yourself,if you don't update yourself with more knowledge you will be eliminated,it's a wrong thing to remain stagnant with the information you have ,if your mindset can't catch-up with the way the world is moving you will be eliminated

Nokia was one of the best company those days producing phones , everybody wants to use nokia phone but when they fail to upgrade their phone from java to android, they were eliminated

where the real money is before,you will need to invest in real estate, buying land, buying house and selling but now the real money is on information,when you invest in more knowledge you will gain more money

I never go a week without reading or watching video about forex and crypto investment because this is my field, looking at the chart to see what the market is doing even when you are not trading,this is also part of updating myself,in every field we are , thier is always a new information,the ability to recognize this changes will make you more powerful in the field

You should know the advantage you have today will be replace by the trend of the future,you don't need to do anything wrong,as long as you fail to update yourself with the right information you will be eliminated,as long as your competition move with the wave of the trend you may fail in the market

To update yourself with the right information is given yourself a second chance,if you are force by other to change it might have been too late

Thanks for reading ,I hope this article is helpful,you can support me by upvoting,replog and always appreciate your comment

God bless you, God bless me and God bless hive community


This is quite! The motivation is to constantly update yourself..dont stay idle. Thanks @ajanaku

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Nice article!
As long as you cannot play Splinterlands on a phone it's a lost cause.

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